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牢记100?个闪光词语?a/ the combi?natio?n of 合成, 组成例: It is the combi?natio?n of wit and polit?ical analy?sis that makes? his artic?les so reada?ble.a lifel?ong caree?r/ frien?dship?/ wish 一生的事业?/友谊/愿望例: For this type of perso?n, the job is a lifel?ong caree?r.accor?dingl?y 于是, 因此例: There? arent many jobs avail?able. Accor?dingl?y, compa?nies recei?ve hundr?eds of resum?es for every? openi?ng.accou?nt for 占据例: In addit?ion, the popul?ation? in the count?rysid?e accou?nts for 80% of the popul?ation? and the stabi?lity of the natio?n depen?ds on them.addit?ional?ly 另外, 此外例: Addit?ional?ly, physi?cal exerc?ise is an effec?tive way to relea?se press?ure.addre?ss a probl?em/quest?ion/issue? 着手解决问?题例: It is high time we addre?ssed the probl?em of campu?s waste?.allev?iate the probl?em/situa?tion/suffe?ring 缓解问题/形式/苦难例: We can almos?t alway?s do somet?hing to allev?iate the prese?nt situa?tion.along? with 除...以外例: Tobac?co is taxed? in most count?ries, along? with alcoh?ol.amazi?ng sight? 令人惊讶的?景象例: It is an amazi?ng sight? to see many bicyc?lists? on Chang? an Avenu?e in the morni?ng head to work.apply? to 适用例: This sayin?g appli?es to every?day life.appro?priat?e 适当的, 合适的例: This new educa?tion syste?m is more appre?ciate? to the needs? of the stude?nts.as is the case with 同样的情况?例: Paren?ts are the main sourc?e of colle?ge fundi?ng, as is the case with most stude?nts.as we know it 像我们知道?的那样例: It there? were no elect?ricit?y, our world? would? not be able to opera?te as we know it.at any cost 无论如何, 不惜任何代?价例: Becau?se of the belie?f that lucky? numbe?rs can bring? good luck, they will try to obtai?n lucky? numbe?rs for thing?s such as a car licen?se plate? at any cost.at sb.s dispo?sal 任某人处理?, 供某人使用?例: The libra?ry has a large? numbe?r of refer?ence books? at the stude?nts dispo?sal.attri?butesth. To sth./ sb. 把...归因于(或归功于某?人/某事)例: The fall in the numbe?r of death?s from heart? disea?se is gener?ally attri?buted? to impro?vemen?ts in diet.avenu?e 渠道, 办法例: We explo?red every? pos


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