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Not only acknowledged the technical aspects of Western art, but also stressed the purpose of learning and enhance their own power rather than undermine their own traditions; both agreed the spiritual values of traditional concepts, but also confirmed the practical value of the Western industrial and machinery production technologies . This laid theoretical foundationfor gradual development of the Westernization Movement. The nature of an enterprise is decided mainly by features such as production purposes, the product distribution, sales and business management . Such as the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau military industry, its production was for the Qing government services, products assigned by the Qing government to the military use , within non-accumulation funds and foreign non-market links, business management organization is bureaucratic feudal style, so We call it such as the feudal nature of the military-industrial enterprises; Steamship such as civilian business, its purpose is to produce a profit, the management company also appears the management of the nature of capitalism, these civilian enterprises are profit, market and the capitalist law of value-based nature of the enterprise,basically. 3、兴办新式学堂,促进中国近代教育的变更 Set up new schools, to promote change in Chinas modern education 4、传播了近代的科学文化和企业管理经验,培养了一批人才 Spread modern science and culture and business management experience, training a pool of talent 5、使中国外交开始向近代化转变 Start the Chinese diplomatic from transition to modern 6、发展了工人阶级队伍 ----- Develop the working class 洋务运动 The Westernization Movement 中国近代化的起步 The starting of the modernization in China 19世纪中期,近代化是世界性的进步潮流,它是指从传统农业社会向近代工业化社会的转变过程。 On the mid-19th century,Modernization is a worldwide progressive trend,It points the process of changing from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrialized society. 中国近代化Modernization in China 经济领域(Economic Field):


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