Chapter 8 pt 1 Learning and Classical Conditioning8章Pt 1学习经典条件反射.ppt

Chapter 8 pt 1 Learning and Classical Conditioning8章Pt 1学习经典条件反射.ppt

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Chapter 8 pt 1 Learning and Classical Conditioning8章Pt 1学习经典条件反射

Learning and Classical Conditioning How Do We Learn? Learning is defined as a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience (nurture). Most learning is associative learning: learning that certain events occur together. There are 3 main types of Learning: 1. Classical Conditioning 2. Operant Conditioning 3. Observational Learning Unit 5: Learning Associative learning*: learning that two events are linked together. Both classical and operant conditioning are types of associative learning. All Living Animals Learn Through Association Classical Conditioning Terms you must understand: Unconditioned means it is unlearned and comes naturally/reflexively. Ex: salivating when presented with food Conditioned means it is learned and the response does not come naturally. Ex: getting up when school bell ring Response: is an external behavior like salivating that occurs because of a stimulus Stimulus: external thing, like a bell or food, that may cause a response (behavior) Father of Classical Conditioning is Ivan Pavlov Russian physician/ neurophysiologist Was studying digestive enzymes in dogs when he accidentally realized the importance of associative learning which would consume his research for rest of his life. Dog in Pavlov’s Apparatus (clip) Classical Conditioning (Pavlovian Conditioning) Classical Conditioning is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus (i.e. a sound) causes a conditioned response when that stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus that causes an unconditioned response. Begins with a reflex which is unconditioned (unlearned) A neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that evokes the reflex. Eventually the neutral stimulus alone will come to evoke the reflex. Components of Classical Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) effective stimulus that unconditionally-automatically and naturally- triggers a response ex. food Unconditioned Response (UCR) unlearned, naturally


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