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Chapter 10 Circulatory System (循 环 系 统) 主 讲:石 运 芝 心血管疾病是当前世界范围内的常见病、多发病,是发达国家和许多发展中国家居民的首要死因。 心脏搭桥术 、直接导管介入治疗(直接PTCA术) 、人造电子心脏植入手术 、人工心脏起搏器等。 Composing of circulatory system(循环系统) : heart (心脏) cardiovascular system artery (动脉) (心血管系统) blood vessels vein (静脉) (血管) capillary (毛细血管) lymphatic system (淋巴管系统) : lymphatic capillaries (毛细淋巴管) lymphatic vessels (淋巴管) lymphatic ducts (淋巴导管) Function of circulatory system : Distributing oxygen(O2) to the tissue ; Collecting carbon dioxide(CO2) and other waste products of metabolism(代谢) ; Secreting hormones(激素). The Heart Ⅰ. Microstructure of the heart wall 内皮(endothelium ) 心内膜(endocardium) 内皮下层(subendothelial layer ): C.T. 心内膜下层(subendocardial layer ): L.C.T.,心室有心脏传导系的分支,蒲肯野纤维。 心肌膜(myocardium):内纵、中环和外斜行心肌纤维,毛细血管 丰富。 心外膜(epicardium):为心包膜脏层 Ⅱ.The Conducting Syetem(传导系统) 组成:窦房结、房室结、房室束、 房室束的分支及其终末; 功能:产生并传导冲动到心脏各部, 调节心脏自动节律性收缩; 由特殊的心肌纤维组成: 起搏细胞( pacemaker cell ) 移行细胞( transitional cell ) 蒲肯野纤维( Purkinje fiber ) General Structure of Blood Vessels The blood vessels of various sizes and types have the common structural pattern with the exception of capillaries, i.e. their walls are divided into three layers or tunics, the tunica intima(内膜), the tunica media(中膜), and the tunica adventitia(外膜). 内皮(endothelium): 单层扁平上皮, 含质膜小泡, W-P小体( FⅧRAg ), 分泌多种活性物质(ET, EDRF ) 内膜 内皮下层(subendothelial layer ): 薄层C