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2007 東亞洲微創泌尿外科學會年會 傳媒發佈會 李樹強醫生 香港腔內微創泌尿外科學會主席 陳偉希醫生 香港腔內微創泌尿外科學會榮譽秘書 彭嘉麗小姐 香港大學民意研究計劃統籌 香港上尿路結石調查2007 Survey on Upper Urinary Tract Stone Disease 2007 香港腔內微創泌尿外科學會 The Hong Kong Society of Endourology 香港大學民意研究計劃 Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong 陳偉希醫生 Dr Chan Wai-hee Steve 簡介 上尿路結石(包括腎和輸尿管結石)是一種常見之疾病 Upper urinary stone is a common disease 成因: 遺傳 飲食 感染(發炎) 阻塞 Causes: Inheritance Eating and drinking habit Infection Obstruction 上尿路結石可引致之風險: Risks and complications: 腎絞痛 Renal colic 尿道感染 Urinary tract infection 血尿 Hematuria 腎功能減退或腎衰竭 Renal impairment 根據研究腎結石和飲食習慣有很大之關係 Stone formation is related to eating drinking habit 注重飲食更可以減少結石的風險 結石病者也可以藉着飲食的改變從而減低復發的機會 Modification can reduce the risk for forming/ recurrence of stone 香港腔內微創泌尿外科學會聯同香港大學民意研究計劃進行研究調查 Cooperation between The Hong Kong Society of Endourology and HKUPOP 主要調查之目的為香港市民對上尿路結石的認知 Conducted a survey focus on public’s knowledge on upper urinary tract stones 在今年11月以電腦隨機方式透過電話成功訪問了1,010位18歲或以上操粵語的香港居民 Conducted computed-assisted telephone interviews with 1,010 HK citizens of age 18 or above in November 整體回應比率為67.6% Response rate was 67.6% 調查數字已按全港人口年齡及性別分佈以加權方法作出調整 Data collected was further adjusted based on gender-age distribution of HK population in mid-2007 當中有25人(2.4%)患有或曾經患有上尿路結石 2.5% respondents have/ had upper urinary stones 另外受訪者中有70人(6.9%)的家庭成員患有或曾經患有上尿路結石 6.9% have direct family members having/ had upper urinary stones 經計算之家庭發病率為9.4% Household incidence estimated 9.4% 男女之比例為:男46.7%; 女53.3% M:F 46.7%vs 53.3% 平均年龄為45 Average age 45 最多受 訪者屬於40-49歲之組別 Commonest age group was 40-49 years old 結石病者之特徵 職業比對 水份的攝取 Daily fluid intake 公眾對上尿路結石的認知調查 Survey on public knowledge 每天應飲多少水? How much shall we drink to reduce stone formation? 那些食物會增多結石機會? Which food may increase stone formation chance? 高鹽份食物 salty food 9.4% 肉類 meat 1.3% 甜食 sweets 1.3% 花生果仁 nuts 1.1% 菠菜 spinach 2.3% 65.8%答不知道 (no idea) 應否儘量減少鈣質的攝取? Can restriction in calcium intake reduce stone formation?


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