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Kosher Certification Application Form 犹太洁食认证内部专用资料 注意:请用中英文对照填写(第15问可用中文填写) Date of Application(申请日期): 2nd Nov.,2009 (2009年11月2日) Company name(申请单位名称): XXXXXX XXXXXX Foods Co.,Ltd. (XXXX食品有限公司) Address(地址): No.457 XXXXXX Road (XXXXXXX) City(城市):XXXXXX City XX市 province(省份):Shandong Province 山东省 Country(国家):China中国 Post Code(邮编):887596 Telephone No(电话):+86-xxxxx Fax(传真): +86-xxxxxx E-mail Address(电子邮箱) Web Address(网址): Contact Name(本认证联络人): Job Title(职位):Deputy general manager总经理 Mobile(手机): Msn: QQ: Address of Factory(生产工厂信息) Factory name(生产工厂名称):XXXXXX XXXXXX Foods Co.,Ltd. (XXXX食品有限公司) Address(地址):No.457 XXXXXX Road (XXXXXXX) City(城市):XXXXXX City XX市 province(省份):Shandong Province 山东省 Country(国家):China中国 Post Code(邮编):268880 Telephone No(电话):+86-xxxxxxx Fax(传真): +86xxxxxxx E-mail Address(电子邮箱) Web Address(网址): Name of the nearest major city to the factory(离工厂最近的大城市): Jinan 济南 Name of the nearest international airport to the factory(离工厂最近的机场): Jinan Airport How many kilometers is it from airport to your factory?(机场距离你们工厂多少公里):130km (130公里) PLEASE NOTE: Please note if there is more than two factories that are producing the product, please include the full address, contact number and contact person in each plant. If there is a separate packaging plant, please include details.(请将您认为合适的空方框“□”涂成黑框“■”,复制粘贴即可) 1. Has the company ever applied for Kosher certification previously?Yes □ No ■ If yes, please state the Kosher Agency that was previously applied to: 公司以前申请过犹太证吗?如是,请示此犹太机构名称。 2. Has the company ever been supervised before, either on a yearly basis or for a specific batch production for another buyer?….Yes □ No ■ If yes please state the Kosher Agency that was certifying: 公司曾由犹太机构监督过生产吗?如是,请标出此机构。 3.Has the factory obtained HALAL / HACCP(ISO22000)/ GMP/Organic Food certificate? □ HALAL ■ HACCP(IS22000)□ GMP □ Organic Food If yes ,please provide its scanned copy to e-mail: kosher-hala


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