
浇口切割不良Gate Cutting Failure.doc

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浇口切割不良Gate Cutting Failure

浇口切割不良Gate Cutting Failure何谓浇口切割不良What is Gate Cutting Failure ? (appearance)是指采用点浇口等成型时,连接成形品、主流道、分流道的浇口不易被切断的一种现象This is a phenomenon that a product and the sprue/runner are not cut off at the gate in a pinpoint gate or the like.若选用点浇口或潜伏浇口,在开模的同时,连接产品,主流道、分流道的浇口会自动断裂。但如果浇口的形状或大小不合适,则会产生浇口切割不良,并残留在模具内部Pin gate or sub marine gate is cut when mold is opened. If gate size, shape is not appropriate, mold product is remained in mold cavity because gate is not cut.。图1. 浇口切割不良时的情形2)浇口切割不良的生成原因Causes of Gate Cutting Failure2-1) 力方面的平衡不良Imbalance of forces为了保证浇口处将产品部分与分流道部分切断,保持“浇口强度”、“分流道的保持力”以及“产品的保持力”等3个力的平衡是非常重要的。打开模具时,如果分流道部分留在固定侧,而产品部分留在可动侧,两者就会在浇口处被切断。如果浇口的强度太大,或产品部分与分流道的保持力偏弱,则会产生浇口切割不良In automatic cut-off between gate and product a balance among some forces is essential. In opening a mold, if the runner stays on the fixed side and the product is retained on the moving side, they are parted at the gate. If the strength of the gate is too strong or if the retaining forces of the product and the runner are too weak, gate cutting failure may occur。 图2. 施加在点浇口上的力的平衡Figure.2 Balance of forces around pin gate一般来说,分流道是通过锁定销来保持的;其保持力取决于锁定销的形状和大小以及开模时分流道部分的温度。如果锁定销的大小或斜度不足,浇口就会在尚未被切断的时候脱落,因此与其增大浇口强度,倒不如增强分流道的保持力。相反,分流道的保持力过大则会使分流道无法脱离模具。并且树脂的强度和刚性也会随着温度的变化而变化,因此也必须根据这一点进行调整A runner is normally retained by a lock pin, and the retention force depends on the shape and size of the lock pin as well as the temperature of the runner part in mold opening. If the size and taper of the lock pin are too weak, the runner slips off before the gate cut. Therefore the retention force of the runner must be stronger than the gate strength, but if it is too strong, the runner can not be released from the mold. Since the strength and rigidity of the resin varies by temperature, adjustment must include that factor, too.。 产品部分是靠侧面斜度的摩擦力,或滑芯来保持的。在依靠斜度摩擦力保持的情况下,仍须达到浇口强度以上。此时也会受到温度的影响。A product is retained by the taper frictional force on the side surface or a slide core. When the product is reta


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