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大 理 学 院 函 授 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 题 目: 浅谈新课标下体育课堂教学 学 院: 体育科学学院 专 业: 体育教育 学 号: 11TY1528010 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称: 教授 论文字数: 5800 完成日期: 2012 年 12 月 目录 [摘要] 3 [关键词] 3 1创设民主和谐的环境,激发学生产生创新动机 4 2 优化教学结构,激活学生的参与意识和主体意识,培养学生的创新能力 5 3 开发课程资源,挖掘创新因素 5 4 运用变式教学,激发学生学习的兴趣 5 5 提供宽松、温暖、民主、开放的创造学习气氛 6 6 改进教学方式与学习方式 6 6.1改进教学方法和教学组织形式 6 6.2 改变学习方式 使学生的学习由被动变为主动,在学习过程中发现问题,学会质疑。 6 7 合理利用场地与体育设施,重视现代信息技术与课堂教学的整合 6 8、适时进行课堂评价 7 参考文献 7 浅谈在新课标下的体育课堂教学 字学萍 指导教师: 王虹 (大理学院体育科学学院2011级函授本科,云南.大理 671003) 摘要:体育与健康课程是一门以身体练习为主要手段,以增进学生健康为主要目的的必修课程,是学校课程体系的重要组成部分,是实施素质教育和培养德、智、体、美全面发展人才的主要途径之一。在“以人为本”的新课程教学理念下,如何营造宽松、自主、而又有个性的课堂教学环境是体育教师在新课程教学中应努力的方On the new curriculum of physical education classroom teaching Zi Xueping Instructor: Wang Hong ( the Dali University sports academy 2011 steps for correspondence course, Yunnan Dali 671003 ) Abstract: physical education and health course is one of physical exercise as the main means to improve students health, for the main purpose of the curriculum, school curriculum is an important component of the system, is the implementation of quality education and the cultivation of morality, wisdom, beauty, body of the comprehensive development of human resources is one of the main way. In the people-oriented under the new curriculum teaching idea, how to create a relaxed, autonomic, and character teaching environment is the physical education teachers teaching in the new curriculum should be the direction, good physical education to the educatee s innovative spirit and the practical ability formation; for the educated lay lifelong learning, survival and development of a physical basis, plays an irreplaceable role. In this sense, physical education in cultivating students innovation spirit and practice ability in the activity, has a very important position. Key word


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