遥感技术在土地利用资源调查的应用 毕业论文.doc

遥感技术在土地利用资源调查的应用 毕业论文.doc

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目 录 目录 1 前言 2 摘要 2 关键词 2 项目背景 3 一、 土地利用资源调查 4 1 背景 4 2 目的及意义 5 3 主要研究内容 6 二 遥感技术 7 1 遥感原理 7 1.1遥感 7 1.2地物波谱特性概述 9 1.3光学遥感成像原理概述 11 1.4可用于土地利用调查的资源遥感卫星 13 2.遥感影像处理技术的目的及类别 16 3.遥感影像处理的技术 17 4.遥感影像处理的应用 18 三 土地资源遥感调查的流程 19 1.土地资源遥感调查的一般步骤 19 2.遥感影像的解译与地类分类 20 2.1遥感影像的解译方法 20 2.2土地地类的目视解译标志的建立 21 2.3遥感影像的地类判读 22 总结 27 参考文献 28 致谢 27 遥感技术在土地利用资源调查的应用 任晓梅 (甘肃林业职业技术学院测绘工程系 甘肃天水 ) 前言:随着飞速发展介绍一些成熟方法,提出相应观点。Abstract Land Survey a legal important system in ourcountry.Also,it is a important means of investigating land soureetruly and distinetly in the round.The First National Land Survey had been completed in 1996.The Second National Survey has begun in 2007.Aerjal and Spacing remote technology has gone through the course Which is adopted from partly to entirely.On additional,the level of remote satellite image resolution has undergone from several decade Merer to sub-one_meter nowadays.Application of remote sentsing technology in the field of land resource investigat enteries a new period, This paper made some experiment researches ,mainly about Application of focus remote sensing image processing technology on land utilizating resource investigation,and evaluated on it’s feasibility.The author selected fit sample data based on various processing request,made esperiment of remote sensing images in four session:Accourate rectification,enhancement processing,multi_homed data fusion,interpretation and land classification,got feasible conclusion finally. The remote seosjng image processing technology, analysis method and feasible conclusion handed in this paper will have some direct and reference value in engineering practice on utilizating resource investigation. Keywords:1and utilizating resource investigation:high resolution:Satellite remote sensing image;accurate rectification;image enhancement;image fusion ;image fusion;image interpretation 1 土地利用资源调查 1.1 背景 人类面临着尖锐的人口大幅度增长、非再生资源趋向枯竭和生态环境不断恶化的巨大压力等问题。保护土地资源和实施可持续发展战略是全面建设小康社会的重要保障,卫星遥感技术的兴起与发展使人们有可能从太空的高度连续、重复


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