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9B Unit 1 Welcome to the unit学案

9B Unit1 Life on Mars Period One Comic strips Welcome to the unit Learning aims: 1 To think about life in the future 2 To think about what life will be like on other planets 3 To discuss the advantage and disadvantage in certain environment Learning procedures Step One Preview 1. New words (写出单词中文意思和词性) helmet__________ robot__________ pill __________net __________ guitar __________sunglasses __________tent__________ 2. New Phrases ( 理解并翻译短语 ) care for__________ in the form of__________ space travel__________ 3. New sentences (翻译下列句子) 1) How do you like life on Mars?______________________________________ “你认为……怎么样?”的俩种表达法_____________ ______________________ 例句 你认为中国人怎么样?_________________________ Chinese people? 2) I thought you liked Mars.__________________________________________________ Thought的意思__________ 后面的宾语要用_________的时态。 例句 a我原以为你会来。I ________ you ________ come. b 我们原以为丹尼尔已去上海了。 We _______ Daniel _________________ Shanghai. 3) I can’t get to my food._________________________ get to my food相当于_________________get to 的意思_______________ 例句: 我们老师的话触动了我。我决定努力学习。________________. I decide to work hard. get to 的意思________后接________ 例句: 我一到巴黎就打电话给你。________________________ 4) We will be cared for by robots.____________________________________________ A)此句是一般将来时的_______语态 结构是__________ 例句: 明天要种一些树。Some trees ______________________ B)Care 作名词 词组有: take care__________ take care of_____________ in the care of sb._______________ under the care of sb._______________ Bye ! Take care__________ C)Care 作动词 词组有 care for______ (多用于_____语态) _____ _____ 例句: a 老人应该被好好照顾。_______________________________________________ b 你想要一杯咖啡吗?________________________________________________________ c 我们不喜欢他,因为他总是炫耀。___________________because he always __________ Care about __________ 例句 格林先生关心他的学生。____________________________ D)Care 的形容词_____ _____ 副词_____ _____ (提醒 Care不用于进行时态) Step Two Comic strips 1 Do you know anything about Mars? What does it look like? ______________________________


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