功能性食品-第七章 维生素C.ppt

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Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin C Scurvy a disease that causes excessive bleeding, loose teeth, and swollen gums Slow healing wounds and fractures Swollen or painful joints Bruising and petechiae (spots of blood under the skin‘s surface) (皮下出血) Nosebleeds (鼻出血) Impaired digestion Loss of appetite Aching joints Excessive Intake and Toxicity Symptoms of Vitamin C (1,000-5,000 milligrams) Diarrhea May cause kidney stones Impaired immune function Withdrawal symptoms 推测的可能原因 1、There is a saturation level, beyond which the body cannot absorb additional quantities of vitamin C. Intake greater than that needed for saturation is immediately pumped out by the body. If such amounts are taken for an extended period of time, the body becomes trained to "pump out" the amount of excess. Then, when the dosage is reduced, the body still keeps pumping out the amount it thinks is in excess, even though it is now needed. 2、Ascorbic acid can turn traitor. It is normally a good anti-oxidant, which is useful for the body. However, in large doses ascorbic acid can change behavior. It can suddenly become an oxidizer, not an anti-oxidizer. 3、long term megadose usage gives some people kidney stones. 1954 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1962 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1970年两次获得诺贝尔奖的化学家莱纳斯·鲍林出版<维生素C治感冒>(Vitamin C and Common Cold)一书。提出高剂量(远远超过1g)的维生素C可以预防和治疗感冒。虽然医药界激烈反对他的论点,但是鲍林的研究的确引起了学术界对应用超过RDA剂量维生素C的重视,带动了世界各地大量的同类研究。这本书畅销美国,民众抢购维生素C以致造成世界性缺货。奇怪的是1970年之后,美国人因心脏病死亡率显着下降,而同样是发达国家的西欧人和日本人的心脏病死亡率却持平。许多人认为这是维生素C预防心脏病的有力佐证。 1979年Ewan Cameron医师和鲍林出版《癌症和维生素》(Cancer and Vitamin C)一书。提出高剂量的维生素C可以帮助癌症患者及治疗一些癌症,再度挑起医药界激烈的反对。美国国家卫生院NIH特别商请着名的Mayo医院的癌症医师C. G. Moertel做两次双盲实验证明高剂量维生素C不能治疗癌症。但是两次实验的过程有许多问题,其结果并没有平息维生素C治疗癌症的争议。 1992年Mathias Rath医师和鲍林发表《根绝心脏病宣言》(Call to Abolish Heart Diseases),宣称维生素C可以治疗心脏和血管的各种病症。他们并且推广治疗心脏病的鲍林药方(Pauling Recipe),其中的成分是维生素C与两种氨基酸赖氨酸和脯氨酸。他们认为这三种化合物同服可以防止及清除冠状动脉的阻塞。 Tritylation: ? The primary alcohol group at C-6 undergoes ready


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