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目录 摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Abstract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 前言------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 企业竞争、企业形象和品牌形象的关系------------------------------------------------5—6 1·1 企业竞争与企业的关系随便更改企业形象但我国中小企业发展过程中普遍缺乏品牌意识。中小企业要得到进一步长足的发展,必须走出思想误区,树立品牌意识文章在强调中小企业必须树立品牌意识,提出了中小企业做好品牌建设的策略建议Abstract With the increasingly fierce market competition development, companies need in peoples minds occupy a certain position, it is necessary to enable enterprises to adjust or amend themselves adapt to environmental changes and their own development needs, in order to achieve business and society and the natural kind equilibrium. Brand image as a key part of the corporate image, corporate image development is inseparable enhance the brand image. Brand became the soul of an enterprise, the operations of the enterprise plays a very important role in the development process of an enterprise is the corporate brand creation process. In order to develop the brand, brand strategy has become so many famous enterprises in market competition invincible magic weapons. However, the process of development of SMEs generally lack of brand awareness and brand strategy common error. SMEs should be further developed rapidly, must go out thinking errors, establish brand awareness, get rid of the wrong brand strategy. Articles in the demonstration of market competition, corporate image, brand image based on the relationship between the three, emphasizing SMEs must establish brand awareness and get rid of the wrong brand strategy, brand building presents a strategy for SMEs make suggestions Keywords: market competition, corporate identity brand image brand strategy for SMEs 前言 从改革开放到现在已经几十年过去了。企业越来越认识到:市场经济是竞争的经济,企业间的竞争就如同家与国之间的竞争。国家之间的竞争不光是经济和军事的竞争,而是演变成了综合实力的竞争。同样企业竞争由开始的产品、质量、价格、服务等单一方面的较量,发展到企业整体形


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