Space and Equipment - Maine Physician Hospital Organization 空间和设备-缅因州医院医生的组织.pptVIP

Space and Equipment - Maine Physician Hospital Organization 空间和设备-缅因州医院医生的组织.ppt

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Space and Equipment - Maine Physician Hospital Organization 空间和设备-缅因州医院医生的组织.ppt

EHR Efficiency: Preparing for Implementation and Life After Janet MacLeod Courtney Rideout Sharon Dube Space and Equipment Exam Rooms Exam tables Spot where provider and patients will sit Computer access Doors, windows, and cupboards All rooms should be stocked exactly the same Data drops Outlets Storage Ergonomics Medical Records and Front Desk Adequate space for equipment: scanner, printers, telephones Paper chart storage Data drops and outlets Ergonomics Floor Plans Use to mark location of equipment Go through the plan several times getting input from staff and providers Ask providers to initial final plan Your floor plan can also be used during discussion of workflows with staff physicians General Plan for upcoming moves Plan for staff changes Count, recount and then count again for equipment needs Don’t forget labor costs for installation Ergonomics Equipment Needed Computers, keyboards and monitors in each exam room and for all staff and providers What software - computers might be different Data drops and network bandwidth Scanner(s) and workstation(s) Printers: Rx, white paper, teams, providers, ? color Back-up workstation Headsets for staff Webcams Dictation needs Maintenance contracts Wireless -To Be or Not To Be? Equipment damage Ergonomic issues MA logs out and provider logs in-not possible with wireless Several years of using PCs finds minimal damage and/or theft Dropped network connections when moving within the practice Workflows Identify workflows prior to go-live Start small – pick one and identify every point in the process Once on paper, discuss as a group how this workflow will change post-live Workflows Workflows Workflows Important to analyze workflows thoroughly in advance of EMR, not afterward Consistent workflows between physicians critical Ask your software vendor if they can accommodate your specific workflows, but also be willing to consider changing your workflows to a certain extent Regular, effective group meetings key to success Wa


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