Cooperative Learning - Education Studies - UC San Diego合作学习教学研究UC San迭戈.ppt

Cooperative Learning - Education Studies - UC San Diego合作学习教学研究UC San迭戈.ppt

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Cooperative Learning - Education Studies - UC San Diego合作学习教学研究UC San迭戈.ppt

* * * * * * * * * * Inclusion Strategies Often behaviors are exhibited by other children, not just the “special education” child; conduct group meetings (Morning Meeting or Problem Solving Meetings) Community of learners need to recognize individuals have different needs and can resolve conflicts together Work “with” rather than “act on” children (empower and provide a voice) Inclusion Strategies Involve other professionals when possible Labels tend to follow a child throughout the school years Establish a positive rapport with the family--report the positive, not always the negative. Involve families whenever possible Language How we structure our language helps children to understand the reality of their feelings. We can help them become proficient communicators, understand their feelings, engage them in cooperation, and help them to understand the level of their skills and what they need to advance without hurting or making the child feel like a failure. We can also be models for respectful conflict resolution through communication Engaging Curriculum It is impossible to expect the students in a classroom to become independent learners when the curriculum we are expecting them to master lacks challenge, interest or relevance. Students who are bored, frustrated or see no point in what they are doing will quickly act out. It is often the brightest students who are the most challenging to their teachers, as they seem driven to keep their active minds engaged Teacher’s Role Is Critical The teacher plays a critical role in the development of attitudes through modeling and guiding students by using the same skills and behaviors they expect of the children. Consistency and clearly communicated expectations are vital in that they give students clearly defined boundaries that guide their decisions and choices. Questions? Comments? Contact me at bmallen@ucsd.ed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cooperative Learning Bobbie M. Alle


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