Lawn maintenanceppt - Georgia Agriculture Education草坪maintenanceppt -乔治亚农业教育.ppt

Lawn maintenanceppt - Georgia Agriculture Education草坪maintenanceppt -乔治亚农业教育.ppt

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Lawn maintenanceppt - Georgia Agriculture Education草坪maintenanceppt -乔治亚农业教育.ppt

Maintaining the Lawn Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Office June, 2002 Maintaining the Lawn Applying lime sulfur fertilizer Lime Should be applied when necessary to keep the pH between 6.0 and 6.5 Late fall and winter are the best times to apply lime Lime moves through the soil slowly at a rate of about 1/2 to 1 inch per year Sulfur should be used on soils that are alkaline to adjust the pH Fertilizer annual applications of fertilizer are needed Nitrogen leaches through the soil and must be replaced regularly Fertilizer Lawns require high N fertilizer Nitrogen can be applied in an organic form which acts as a slow release nutrient that does not burn the grass and supplies N over a longer period of time Fertilizer should be applied with a spreader just prior to the active growing season Mowing two types of mowers; reel rotary Mowing close mowing of 1/2 to 1 inch is done most efficiently with a reel mower Mowing most lawns are cut too short because the homeowner believes that the lawn looks best when short Mowing a very short cutting reduces the leave area of the plant so much that it cannot make enough food Mowing Cutting the grass too short also encourages weed growth Cool season grasses should not be cut shorter than 2-3 inches Mowing Warm season grasses are cut 1/2 to 11/4 inches depending on the variety Warm season grasses grow faster in warm weather Mowing Warm season grasses are better able to compete with weeds. Mowing Lawns should be mowed often enough that no more than 1/3 of the top is removed. Mowing mower blades should be kept sharp at all times so the grass blades are cut not torn off Mowing Mulching mowers eliminate the need to remove clippings from the lawn and reduce fertilizer needs by 50% Mowing lawns should be cut so that they are cut at right angles to the direction of the previous mowing. Mowing This eliminates compaction, gives the lawn a more even appearance and reduces thatch build up Mowing Each pass over the lawn should slight


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