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3.诊断、分类 2009年以来临床研究新进展 自2009年以来,一系列AML临床研究结果相继发布,指南也相应做出重大修 订。更改主要集中在以下两方面: 一、对蒽环类药物诱导治疗剂量的再认识 大剂量DNR与标准剂量DNR对比 --E1900 Study N Engl J Med 2009;361:1249-59 --HOVON43 Study N Engl J Med 2009;361:1235-48(≥60岁) 大剂量DNR与标准剂量IDA对比 --AML201 Study Blood.2011; 117: 2358-65 --ALFA9801 Study J Clin Oncol. 2010;28(5):808-14 (≥60岁) 二、去除诱导治疗方案中对米托蒽醌的推荐 AML-12 Study J Clin Oncol. 2009 Dec 28. ≥65岁患者未能获益 中枢神经系统白血病的预防和治疗 AML患者CNSL的发生率远低于急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL),一般不到3% 参考NCCN的意见,在诊断时对无症状的患者不建议行腰穿检查 有头痛、精神混乱、感觉改变的患者应先行放射学检查(CT/MRI),排除神经系统出血或肿块。这些症状也可能是由于白细胞淤滞引起,可通过白细胞分离等降低白细胞计数的措施解决 若体征不清楚、无颅内出血的证据,可在纠正出凝血紊乱和血小板支持的情况下行腰穿 脑脊液中发现白血病细胞者,应在全身化疗的同时鞘注Ara-C(40-50mg/次)和/或甲氨喋呤(MTX,5-10mg/次)+地塞米松(5-10mg/次)。若症状持续存在,脑脊液无异常,应复查 已达完全缓解的患者,尤其是治疗前白细胞计数(WBC)?100?109/L或单核细胞白血病(M4和M5)、t(8;21)/AML1-ETO、inv(16)白血病患者,建议至少行腰穿、鞘注一次,以进行CNSL的筛查 * * We conducted a multi-institutional ran- domized study to determinewhether high- dose daunorubicin would be as effective as standard-dose idarubicin in remission- induction therapy for newly diagnosed adult patients younger than 65 years of age with acute myeloid leukemia. Of 1064 patients registered, 1057 were evaluable. They were randomly assigned to receive either daunorubicin (50 mg/m2 daily for 5 days) or idarubicin (12 mg/m2 daily for 3 days) in combination with 100 mg/m2 of cytarabine by continuous infusion daily for 7 days as induction ther- apy. Complete remission was achieved in 407 (77.5%) of 525 patients in the daunorubicin group and 416 (78.2%) of 532 in the idarubicin group (P .79). Pa- tients achieving complete remission re- ceived intensive postremission therapy that consisted of either 3 courses of high- dose cytarabine or 4 courses of standard- dose therapy. Overall survival rates at 5 years were 48% for the daunorubicin group and 48% for the idarubicin group (P .54), and relapse-free survival rates at 5 years were 41% and 41% (P .97), respectively. Thus, high-dose dauno- rubicin and standa