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目录 摘要 2 Abstract 2 1 绪论 3 1.1 研究的背景与意义 3 1.2 研究方法与思路 3 2 相关理论文献综述 4 2.1 营销渠道的概念研究 4 2.2 营销渠道结构的类型 4 2.3 营销渠道的管理 5 3 娃哈哈集团营销渠道的管理现状 6 3.1 杭州娃哈哈集团有限公司简介 6 3.2 娃哈哈独创的“联销体”销售渠道模式 7 3.3 娃哈哈营销渠道的控制与管理 8 4 娃哈哈营销渠道的思考与建议 10 4.1 对联销体营销渠道的思考 10 4.2 对联销体营销渠道的建议 11 结论 12 参考文献 12 娃哈哈集团营销渠道的构建与管理研究 摘要 随着中国经济的稳步健康发展,人们总体生活水平的不断提高,特别是随着国家惠农政策的不断深化落实,9亿多农民收入水平的不断增长必然为快速消费品企业带来巨大的市场、发展潜力和上升空间,但同时他们之间的竞争也是更加激烈。渠道作为科特勒经典营销理论4Ps中的一个要素,比产品、价格、促销要素更能带来长期的竞争优势。但是对于企业来说,营销渠道的建设既是机遇更是挑战,因为如果企业营销渠道选择正确并管理好的话,它就能成为企业的一个有力的竞争武器,反之则会导致企业渠道不畅、管理混乱、市场响应迟缓、成本提高等各种问题,严重影响企业的经济效益和发展前景。 本文以娃哈哈集团的营销渠道为研究对象,从营销渠道的长度选择、宽度选择和广度选择三个方面定性分析娃哈哈集团营销渠道的选择,说明其独创的“联销体”营销网络所取得的巨大成功,并借鉴可口可乐、百事可乐等著名企业的营销经验,分析与思考娃哈哈目前的营销渠道所存在的问题与不足,并提出几点建议。 关键词:快速消费品 营销渠道 “联销体”网络 Abstract With the steady and healthy development of China’s economy, along with the constant improvement of people’s living standard, specially increasing deepened fulfillment of the policy that benefits the farmers and villagers, therefore, more than 900,000,000 farmers' income level grew unceasingly, which brings the giant market、huge development potential and bright prospects inevitably for the fast consumable enterprises. But the competition of them is more and more fierce. As a factor of the 4Ps of Philip Kotler’s classic marketing theory, Marketing Channels can supply more competition advantage than Product, Pricing and Promotion. However, the establishment of the Marketing Channel is a double edged sword, because it will become a powerful competitive weapon if the Marketing Channel is selected appropriately and under good management, and on the contrary, it will lead to many problems such as block of channels, disorder of management, slow market reactions,excessive cost and so forth, which will influent earnings and enterprises’development. This thesis is based on the relevant choice theories of Marketing Channels,Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Multi- hierarchy Grey Theory, and Wahaha Group’s Marketing Channels is selected as study object. An


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