tisno2 sb2o3电极优化及电解氧化对纳滤处理染料废水的影响-optimization of tis no2 sb2o3 electrode and effect of electrolytic oxidation on nanofiltration treatment of dye wastewater.docx
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tisno2 sb2o3电极优化及电解氧化对纳滤处理染料废水的影响-optimization of tis no2 sb2o3 electrode and effect of electrolytic oxidation on nanofiltration treatment of dye wastewater
摘 要染料废水具有高色度、高有机物含量、难降解、水量大等特点,对环境的危 害极大。电解氧化法能够迅速实现染料废水的脱色,但电流效率不高,只适合处 理少量废水。纳滤用于染料废水处理时截留率高,且操作简单、无二次污染,但 浓差极化和膜污染的存在影响通量和膜的寿命。本文中将两种方法结合起来应 用,纳滤实现染料的富集,而电解氧化起到抑制浓差极化的作用。本文中首先对 Ti/SnO2+Sb2O3 催化电极制备条件进行了优化并掺钇改性。将 该电极用于降解酸性大红废水,考察了电解条件对色度、COD 去除率及电流效 率的影响。将改性后的 Ti/SnO2+Sb2O3 电极作为阳极置于纳滤膜截留侧,以不锈钢网为 阴极,选择 D 系列纳滤膜,考察了电渗、电泳及电催化氧化对纳滤的促进作用, 重点研究了耦合过程中操作条件对渗透通量的影响。实验结果表明,电极经优化改性后析氧电位、寿命等性能均得到显著提升。 电解氧化法处理染料废水中,电流密度越大,染料初始浓度越低,电解质浓度越 高,pH 越小则色度和 COD 去除率越高,且 NaCl 作为电解质时色度和 COD 去 除率均较 Na2SO4 时有较大提升。染料初始浓度和电解质浓度的增加以及电流密 度和料液 pH 的减小,均有助于电流效率的升高。耦合过程中电渗流与电场强度间基本呈线性关系。染料分子在电泳作用下远 离膜面,对浓差极化起到一定的抑制作用。随电流密度的增加,电催化氧化对膜 面附近有机物的降解增加,渗透通量得到显著提升。当电压约为 2.5V 时,酸性 大红被降解的过程中产生小分子,堵塞膜孔,从而渗透通量下降。随着电压的增 加,小分子被进一步分解,渗透通量增加。染料初始浓度越高,操作压差和膜面 十字流流速越大,则渗透通量越大,同时温度的升高对该耦合过程的渗透通量也 起到积极的作用。综上所述,电极经优化制备并掺钇改性后性能得到较大提升,且电解条件对 降解效果影响显著。将该电极用于电解氧化与纳滤的耦合过程后,在电渗、电泳 及电催化氧化的作用下,浓差极化得到控制,渗透通量得到较大提升。关键词: 催化电极 电解氧化浓差极化染料废水 纳滤ABSTRACTDye wastewater, which heavily pollutes the environment, is a kind of effluent with high colority, high content of organic matters, and it is of great quantity and hard to degrade. The electrolytic oxidation can decolorize the dye wastewater rapidly, but it is appropriate for only little amount of wastewater because of the low current efficiency. Nanofiltration is of high rejection, no secondary contamination, and easy to operate in treating dye wastewater. However, the concentration polarization and membrane fouling cut the flux and the membrane lifetime down. In our article, we combined the two methods to achieve coupling, the dye was congregated by the membrane, and the electrolytic oxidation played the role of controlling concentration polarization.The optimum preparation conditions of the Ti/SnO2+Sb2O3 catalytic electrode were ascertained through the experiments, and the modification was carried out by adding yttrium. The catalytic electrode was used to degrade the simulated acid red 73# wastewater, and the effects of process conditions on the colority and COD removal were dis
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