
upa upar在前列腺癌组织中的表达及意义-expression and significance of upa upar in prostate cancer.docx

upa upar在前列腺癌组织中的表达及意义-expression and significance of upa upar in prostate cancer.docx

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upa upar在前列腺癌组织中的表达及意义-expression and significance of upa upar in prostate cancer

结果:20 例前列腺增生标本中 uPA、uPAR 的表达均为阴性。44例前列腺癌标本中 uPA 表达阴性的为 8 例,阳性 36 例,阳性率 81.8%; 其中 30 例浸润及转移癌阳性表达 28 例,阳性率 93.3%;14 例无转移 癌阳性表达例,阳性率 57.1%;病理分级 GⅠ阳性 3 例,阳性率 50%; GⅡ阳性 7 例,阳性率 70%;GⅢ阳性 26 例,阳性率 92.9%。44 例前列 腺癌标本中 uPAR 表达阴性 6 例,阳性 38 例,阳性率 86.4%;其中 30 例浸润及转移癌阳性表达 29 例,阳性率 96.7%;14 例无转移癌阳 性表达 9 例,阳性率 64.3%;病理分级 GⅠ阳性 3 例,阳性率 50%;GⅡ 阳性 8 例,阳性率 80%;GⅢ阳性 27 例,阳性率 96.4%。结果显示:uPA、 uPAR 的表达程度与前列腺癌的病理分级及临床分期有关,前列腺癌 的分化越差,分期越晚,uPA、uPAR 的表达程度越高。结论:(1)uPA、uPAR 的表达是前列腺癌的特征之一,并且在 其浸润和转移的过程中起着很重要的作用。(2)uPA、uPAR 与前列 腺癌的病理分级和临床分期密切相关,病理分级越高,临床分期越晚, uPA、uPAR 的阳性表达越高。(3)uPA、uPAR 在前列腺癌中的表达, 可以为临床对病人的治疗提供新的治疗方案和开发新的抗肿瘤药物 指明方向。关键词: 前列腺癌;尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物;尿激酶型纤溶酶 原激活物受体UPA, uPAR in prostate cancer tissue of the expression and significanceAbstractPurpose:Through the determination of benign prostatic hyperplasia (benign prostate hyperplasia, BPH) and prostate cancer (prostate cancer, PCa) organization urokinase-type plasminogen activator(urokinase-type plasminogen activator, uPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor, uPAR) content, and discussed its and prostate and transfer the relationship between the prostate cancer, and analyzes its and prostate cancer patients with Gleason pathology classification and the clinical stages of the relationship.Materials and methods: collect a large hospital in north guangxi in January 2005-June 2011 by resection and pathology after 44 cases of prostate cancer tissue specimens of paraffin wax.According to WHO grading standards 44 cases of prostate cancer samples are divided into:GⅠ6cases,GⅡ10cases, GⅢ28patients.According to international joint cancer society(UICC) the clinical stages of 44 cases of prostate cancerstandard may be divided into: Ⅰ period in 1, Ⅱ period in 13, Ⅲ periodof six cases, 24 cases Ⅳ period.No transfer of prostate cancer (Ⅰ+Ⅱ period) for 14 cases, invasion and metastasis of cancer (III + IV period) of 30 cases.Prostate cancer of the patients age 49~86 years,mean age71.27 years old. Ra



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