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中小企业文化建设问题研究_本科毕业论文 摘 要 企业文化是决定企业生命力的根本要求,是企业实现可持续发展的核心动力。本文通过阐述河北津西钢铁集团在快速发展过程中,企业高层管理者以高度的文化自觉,对企业文化进行全面系统地整合、策划和有效推进,使企业文化建设从自发到自觉、从局部到系统、从表层到深层、不断升华,以及“为社会创造财富、为股东创造回报、为客户创造价值,为员工创造前途”为核心的“四为”和谐企业文化在企业持续发展中充分发挥的灵魂指导、激励振兴、凝聚团队、创新推动作用的描写,充分展示企业文化打造集团软实力,增强综合竞争力的积极作用,分析和得出企业文化的重要性,并就津西下一步企业文化建设的目标、任务和发展方向提出自己的主张和见解。 关键词:企业文化;核心竞争力;利益共同体;持续发展Abstract The corporate culture is a fundamental requirement to determine the vitality of enterprises, the core power of the enterprise to achieve sustainable development. Elaborate Hebei Jinxi Iron and Steel Group is in the process of rapid development, business executives with a high degree of cultural awareness, corporate culture, comprehensive system integration, planning and effectively promote the corporate culture building from spontaneous to conscious, from the local to the system, from surface to deep, sublimation, as well as create wealth for the community to provide returns for shareholders, creating value for customers, for employees to create the future as the core of the four harmonious enterprise culture in the sustainable development of enterprises, give full play to the soul of guidance , revitalization incentive, team cohesion, role in the description of the innovation-driven, fully demonstrate the positive role of the corporate culture to build the Groups soft power, enhancing the overall competitiveness analysis and draw the importance of corporate culture, and the goal of building the corporate culture Jinxi Next , task and direction of development put forward their own ideas and insights.Keywords:Corporate culture;Core competitiveness;Community of interests; Sustainable development目 录第一章 前 言 1第二章 企业文化是津西持续快速发展的动力 3第三章 津西企业文化产生的背景 5 3.1创建企业文化是适应产权制度、社会角色、发展战略的调整和变化的需要 5 3.2创建企业文化是解决劳动关系存在问题的重要手段 6 3.3创建企业文化是适应企业发展步伐的需要 6第四章 津西企业文化发展的历程 9第五章 津西企业文化提升企业核心竞争力的表现 11 5.1津西企业文化构建和谐发展共同体 11 5.1.1强化责任,为社会创造财富,促进社会繁荣与和谐发展 11 5.1.2履行受托,为股东创造回报,凝聚企业的向心力 13 5.1.3诚信经营,为客户


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