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代词 1. that 和those的替代作用 1) that those相当于the one和the ones 2) that 代替指物的单数可数名词或不可数名词 The climate here is better than that of your nation. 这里that 代指climate 3) those代替人或指物的复数名词 The two translations are worse than those of yours. 这里those 代指translations 2. each, everyone, every one的用法 1)each指两个或两个以上的人或物中的一个,侧重个体。 The two students came into the classroom, each carrying a bag. 2) everyone 与everybody 同义,只用来指人 every one 既可以指人,也可以指物,还可跟of短语。 Everyone/Everybody started waving his flag. Every one of the flowers makes a beauty. 3. nobody, no one, none, nothing的区别 nobody 和no one指人,谓语动词用单数;none 既可指人也可指物,后面可跟of. Nothing 指物,谓语动词用单数形式 Nobody /No one likes his friend to take advantage of him. Nobody was hurt in the accident, were they? None of them has/have arrived yet. There is nothing interesting in the book. 在简略回答中,nothing回答what 问句,nobody和no one 回答 who, none回答how many 和how much What’s in it? Nothing. Who is coming? Nobody/No one. How many elephants did you see at the zoo? None. How much water is left? None. 4) other, the other, others, the others, another的区别 other 表示另外的、其它的人或物,一般作限 定词。the other 表示两个中的另一个人或物。 others 泛指其它的人或物, the others 表示所有其它的人或物。 Another 表示不定数目中的另一个。 Of the two pins he only found one and the other was missing. I don’t like these coats. Please show me others. There are 40 students altogether. 20 of them want to go boating. The others want to go fishing. I don’t like this one. Offer me another. 真题: 1. It seems that there is ____ that I can’t do. (04) A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. none 2. It’s still early in the morning. There isn’t ___ in the office. (01) A. anyone B. everyone C. nobody D. any people 练习: 1. Jane tried ___ in the door, but ___ worked. A. every of her keys / none B. all of her keys / not everyone C. all of her keys / none D. her all keys / not all 2. Today’s libraries differ greatly from ___. A. the past B. those of the past C. those past D. that of the past


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