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毕 业 设 计 题目 学 生: 学 号: 院 (系): 专 业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 2015 年 月 15 日 近年来,关于地质灾害的报道屡见不鲜。这些灾害报道反映了实时监测预警系统建设的滞后,迫切需要建立我国地质灾害高易发区的滑坡、泥石流的智能监测预警系统,通过快速感知地质灾害的前兆信息,快速预警和实施应急避险,最大限度地避免造成人员的伤亡。随着无线通信等相关学科发展,为地质灾害监测预警技术的发展带来了新的契机。本文将以对滑坡泥石流地质灾害形成原理为依托,将综合应用无线通信技术、嵌入式技术、传感器技术等来实现对地质灾害监测防御点进行远程的监测和预警做出研究。文章将主要对基于 ZigBee 和 GSM 通信技术的地质灾害预警系统的建立做一个阐述,以及对系统中的基于 TI 公司的CC2431 芯片硬件节点制作,软件程序的编写等做一个详细的介绍。其主要内容有: 1.研究滑坡泥石流地质灾害的形成原理,为系统的功能需求做出阐述,从而以便于能够选择系统所需要监测的参数和传感器参数。 2.研究系统所适用的通信方案和硬件节点方案。系统将采用 ZigBee 通信与GSM 通信的来实现整个系统的通信构架,与此同时将采用 CC2431 芯片来实现节点的硬件控制设计和 ZigBee 通信,应用西门子 MC37I 实现 GSM 通信,选用倾角、温湿度、节点位移、降雨量作为系统的环境监测参数。 3.研究系统节点中各传感器电路、电源电路、通信电路的设计。同时自主设计一款独立雨量监测装置,能够自主实现雨量的计算和通信。无线通信,CC2431,预警,ZigBee,GSMLandslide remote monitoring system development and the case of the simulation method of teaching design ABSTRACT In recent years, the reports on the geological disasters are not uncommon. These disaster reports reflect the real-time monitoring and warning system construction lag,there is an urgent need to establish the geological disasters in high-prone areas oflandslides and debris flows intelligent detection warning system in China, which iscapable of rapid warning and implementation of emergency refuge to avoid casualtiesthrough quickly collecting geological disasters precursory information. With thedevelopment of wireless communications and other related disciplines, it brings a newopportunity for the development of geological disaster monitoring and early warningtechnology. this paper will be based on the forming principle of the geological disastersof landslide and debris,and integrately apply wireless communications technology andembedded technology and sensor technology to achieve the monitoring and preventionof geological disasters in areas remote monitoring and early warning. The Article will do a elaborate on the establishment of geological disaster warning system which is based on ZigBee and GSM communication technology, as well


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