往复挤压准晶增强mg-zn-gd合金组织与力学性能研究-microstructure and mechanical properties of mg - zn - gd alloy strengthened by reciprocating extrusion quasicrystal.docx
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往复挤压准晶增强mg-zn-gd合金组织与力学性能研究-microstructure and mechanical properties of mg - zn - gd alloy strengthened by reciprocating extrusion quasicrystal
在 250°C,300°C,350°C,400°C 四种温度下对三种合金进行了往 复挤压,研究了工艺参数、准晶含量对于合金微观组织、变形织构以及 力学性能的影响。实验结果表明,随着往复挤压道次增加,Mg-Zn-Gd 合金的组织逐渐细化,由不完全再结晶转变为完全再结晶组织且晶粒显 著细化,大块准晶相逐渐破碎并在基体中均匀分布,大量球状纳米准晶 相析出并长大,织构显著弱化。材料的屈服极限下降,延伸率显著上升, Mg-1.5Zn-0.25Gd 合金经 350°C 下 8 道次往复挤压后屈服强度、抗拉强 度与延伸率分别为 159MPa、251MPa 与 31.4%。
随温度的上升,往复挤压后材料的晶粒尺寸增加,大块准晶相碎化 程度上升,纳米准晶相析出增加且尺寸增大。材料的屈服极限随温度而
下降,延伸率先上升后下降,在 350°C 时延伸率达到最高。随着合金中 准晶相含量上升,往复挤压后材料的晶粒尺寸下降,材料屈服极限上升, 延伸率下降。
关键词:Mg-Zn-Gd 合金,准晶,大塑性变形,往复挤压,显微组织, 力学性能
Quasicrystal is a new kind of secondary phase which has rotational symmetry without translation periodicity. It can not only effectively improve the mechanical properties of Mg alloys but also facilitate dynamic recrystallization and randomization of the texture in Mg alloys during plastic deformation. In this study, three kinds of Mg-Zn-Gd alloys with different alloying element contents were designed and fabricated, including Mg-1.5Zn-
0.25Gd,Mg-3.5Zn-0.6Gd,Mg-4.5Zn-0.75Gd (at.%). Their microstructures,
tensile properties and wear properties were studied. These three alloys were subjected to cyclic extrusion and deformation (CEC) at 250°C,300°C,
350°C and 400°C respectively. Consequently their microstructures, texture evolution and mechanical properties were studied.
Firstly, the microstructures and mechanical properties of the as-cast alloys were investigated. It is found that the alloys consist mainly of α-Mg and I-phase which exists as large dendritic secondary phase. With the increase of alloying element contents, the volume fraction of I-phase increases and the microstructures of the as-cast alloys were refined. I-phase can drastically improve the strength of the as-cast alloys while undermining the plasticity. As the increase of alloying element contents, the yield strength (YS) an
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