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第 2 卷第 6 期/Vol. 2 No.6 南方电网技术 特约专稿/ pp. 1-17 2008 年 12 月/Dec. 2008 SOUTHERN POWER SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY Featured Articles 文章编号:1674-0629(2008)06-0001-06 中图分类号:TM715 文献标志码:A 可再生能源与分布式发电接入技术 欧盟研究项目述评 王成山,高菲,李鹏,丁菲 (天津大学电力系统仿真控制教育部重点实验室,天津 300072 ) Review on the EU Research Projects of Integration of Renewable Energy Sources and Distributed Generation WANG Cheng-shan, GAO Fei, LI Peng, DING Fei (Key Laboratory of Power System Simulation and Control of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072, China) Abstract : Facing the serious energy situation, Europe Union MORE MICROGRIDS, EU-DEEP, FENIX 等主要项目的研 pays more and more attention to the researches on the integration of 究内容及成果,在此基础上介绍了代表欧洲未来电网发展趋 renewable energy sources and distributed generation, and supports 势的“智能电网”的概念,并揭示了这些研究带给我们的启 a series of relevant research projects under The 5th, 6th and 7th 示:要从传统的集中控制思想转变到新的分布式控制理念; Framework Programme. This paper introduces the overall objec- 要重视电力电子技术与 ICT (Information and Communications tives of the projects, focusing on the work packages and results of Technology )技术的应用;要重视高渗透率下DER 给输配电 the main projects such as DISPOWER, MICROGRIDS, MORE 网所带来的可靠性、安全性和电能质量等问题。 MICROGRIDS, EU-DEEP, FENIX. The concept of SmartGrids, as the trend of future energy network of Europe, is also introduced. 关键词:欧盟;能源形势;可再生能源;分布式发电技术 Finally, the enlightenment of what these researches bring to us is summarized as follows: to change the idea from centralization con- 在能源短缺和环境保护双重压力下,欧洲传统 trol to distribution control; to attach importance to the application of 的电力系统和电力市场正在经历着巨大的转变,促


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