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PAGE 摘 要 本文阐述了新员工培训在企业中的重要性,通过对镇江国亨化学有限公司新员工培训现状的分析,指出了其新员工培训存在的主要问题。运用了培训的相关理论,结合镇江国亨公司的实际情况并针对其新员工培训存在的问题,对国亨公司的新员工方案进行了重新设计。旨在通过对它的实施和管理,满足新进人员的基本需要和企业的需要,为公司的新员工培训提供依据。从而使公司的新员工能更快的融入公司,胜任自己的工作。 镇江国亨公司的新员工培训方案,主要包括培训需求分析,培训计划的制定,培训工作的实施以及培训效果评估。其中以公司三期项目即将招募的新员工为研究对象,对其学历、具体的岗位进行分析。根据需求分析的结果,确定新员工培训的内容进而确定培训课程。最后运用柯克帕特里的培训评估模型,从四个层次对培训的结果进行了评估。 关键词:新员工培训; 需求分析; 培训评估 ABSTRACT The article defines the importance of New Employee training in the enterprise. Through analyzing the status of new employee training, the main problems about their new employee training are indicated in the paper. Based on the related theories and connecting the practices of the company, a new program has been designed to solve the exiting problems. The program can provide instruction to the new employee training .By putting it into practice and managing it, the demands of the new employee and company are satisfied. Then, the new employee can entry the company and be competent with the job. The new employee training program of ZGPC mainly contains training needs analysis, making the training plan, carrying out training and assessing training results. The new employees who will be recruited for the third stage project are the object for research. Their education background and corresponding positions are analyzed. With results of the analysis, the content and course of new employee training are fixed. In the end of the article, training results are accessed with four level by exerting the Kirkpatrick’s Four-level Framework. Key Words: New employee Training; Needs analysis; Assess training results 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc439910172 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc439910172 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc439910173 1 镇江国亨化学有限公司概况 PAGEREF _Toc439910173 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc439910174 1.1 公司简介 PAGEREF _Toc439910174 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc439910175 1.2公司机构设置 PAGEREF _Toc439910175 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc439910176 1.3人员构成情况 PAGEREF _Toc439910176 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc439910177 1.4人力资源部的概况


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