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Y 861831 驟 V 1951 对夕卜经济贸易大学 工商管理硕士 (MBA)学位论文 论文题目房地产开发企业的品牌营销策略研究 主题词房地产开发 品牌 营销策略 研究生姓名 李 El 导师姓名 安圣慧 论文起止时间 2005年1月至2005年6月 Abstract With entry into WTO, Chinas real estate market turned gradually from price competition and quality competition into Brand competition. But comparing with other countries, Chinas national real estate brands are inadequately developed. Therefore, profound researches for the brand market of its real estate are urgently needed. This paper will start with the basic theories and methods of brand, offering some typical examples and cases in this region, and giving some proposals on how to systemically build up the brands and carry on the brand strategy of Chinas real estate . This paper uses relevant theory of brand operation’ in view of strategic and marketing to show the way of success in hard marketing competition of the future real estate development. That is to make accurate market orientation, give full play of its resource advantage,build up real estate brand and fulfill the strategy of brand operation. This paper can be generally divided into five parts to analyze the strategy of real estate brand in our country; The first part mainly covers the concepts and features of real estate brands. The second part is to list the major problems in building up brands and the current status of brand building then tries to analyze the underlying causes. The third part mainly introduces the major process of operating the strategy in real estate market, focuses on the layout and designing for brand,brand orientation and subdivision, the fulfillment and maintenance of brand, the spread and extension of brand, to explain how real estate industries can establish their preponderant brands. It put into further discussion on the sales strategy in real estate operation. The fourth part uses WanKe Real Estate brand management mode to be the example for explanation. The fifth part submits conclusion and suggestion Key words: Real Estate, Brand, Marketing



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