女子1 000 m速滑项目速度节奏特征和张虹索契备战策略.doc

女子1 000 m速滑项目速度节奏特征和张虹索契备战策略.doc

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女子1 000 m速滑项目速度节奏特征和张虹索契备战策略

女子1 000 m速滑项目速度节奏特征和张虹索契备战策略   摘要:通过文献资料、访谈、数理统计等研究方法,分析2012―2013赛季哈尔滨、日本、加拿大和美国站前后2次女子1 000 m速滑项目都参加的运动员的速度节奏,探索女子1 000 m速滑项目速度节奏特征、主要致胜因素和我国重点队员索契备战策略。结果发现:1)女子1 000 m速滑项目速度节奏表现为采用快速启动节奏策略。0~200 m分段造成内、外道起滑时速度节奏的差异,导致成绩存在差异,但这种成绩差异不具必然性。2)项目主要致胜因素是绝对速度和速度耐力,两者同等重要,而不是一直认为的速度耐力。3)张虹冬奥会备战策略重点是提高疾跑阶段的成绩,具体手段为提高踝关节稳定性和髋关节灵活性;其次调整外道出发时速度节奏,提高张虹外道出发时成绩使其表现更稳定。??   关键词: 女子速滑;速度节奏;节奏特征;索契;冬奥项目;备战策略??   中图分类号: G 862.1文章编号:1009??783X(2014)02??0150??07文献标志码: A??   Abstract:This paper,using the literature review,interview and mathematical statistics and other research methods,analyzes the speed rhythmof women’s 1000m speed skating in 2012―2013 season which the athletes attend in Harbin,Japan,Canada and the United States cup around twice,explores the charateristics of women’s 1000m speed skating’s speed rhythmand the main winning factors and the strategy of our national key skaters preparing for the Sochi Winter Olympics in.Conclusion:1)Speed rhythm feature of women’s 1000m speed skating is the use of fast paced start,the 0~200m segmentation result is the influencing factor which lead to the different speed rhythm when the athletes respectively starte from innrelane and outerlane,but this effect dose not have inevitability.2) The absolute speed and speed endurance are the main winning factors of the project,both are equally important,rather than people have considered speed endurance.3)The key strategy ofZHANG Hong preparing for the Sochi Winter Olympics is to increaseperformance in the sprint stage,specific means on the one hand,strengthened the strength exercise,on the other hand,improved the stability of her ankle and hip flexibility;Secondly,the adjustment of the outerlane’s speedrhythm make ZHANG Hong’s outerlane performance more stable.??   Keywords:speed skating;speed rhythm;correlation coefficient;sochi;winning factors;preparingstrategy?お?   ??   收稿日期:2013??06??13??   基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题(2009BAK57B05);国家体育总局奥运公关课题(2012A022)。??   作者简介:吴新炎(1979―),男,湖北鄂州人,硕士,讲师,研究方向


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