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PAGE PAGE 1 增城市牛仔服装产业转型发展战略中的“用工荒”分析 作者:人力资源专业小组 (广州大学松田学院,广东 广州 511370) 摘要 增城市新塘镇以牛仔服装制造业为支柱产业,地处珠三角经济区的中核位置。近年来,在面对长三角及中西部地区的竞争压力,以及应对环境改进,提升利润等问题的迫切要求,企业在考虑到自身利润及社会期望、政府要求等各方面因素,增城市牛仔服装产业应进行产业升级。在我方对增城市牛仔服装产业升级过程中出现的用工荒现象深入调查后,从企业自身、社会、经济等多方面分析,得出增城牛仔服装产业升级过程中出现的劳动力资源短缺问题的原因、影响等信息。在获取的数据和信息支撑下,预测未来再出现“用工荒”问题的可能性及趋向,从基层员工、企业、政府以及社会等不同角度,提出有针对性的可行建议及措施。 关键词 增城市,牛仔服装,劳动力,用工荒 An Analysis of the “Waste of Labor was based on Strategic Transformation of the Denim Wear Domain in the Development in Zengcheng Author:Team HR. (Guangzhou University Sontan School,Guangzhou Guangdong 511370) Abstract The cowboy clothing manufacturing industries as the pillar industries, xintown, zengcheng city, is located in the pearl river delta region in nuclear position. In recent years, in the face of the Yangtze river delta, middle and west areas of the pressure of competition, and relevant environment improvement, improve profits such problems as the pressing requirement, the enterprise is in considering its own profit and social expectations, government requirements and so on various aspects factors, zengcheng cowboy clothing industry should undertake industrial upgrading. In our of zengcheng cowboy clothing industry upgrading appeared in the course of employment, after thorough investigation on the desolate phenomenon from the enterprise itself, the society, economy and other various analysis, obtains zengcheng cowboy clothing industry upgrading appeared in the process of Labour shortages in the cause of the problem, influence and other information. In acquiring data and information support, predict the future again labor shortage issues and trends, from the possibility of grass-roots staff, enterprise, government and society and so on the different Angle, put forward some Suggestions and measures. Keywords Zengcheng Cty, the Denim Wear Domain, labor, waste of labor 前 言 自2004年以来,“用工荒”便已成为我国沿海地区政府及企业所要面对的难题,更成为了每年媒体开春例牌的报道内容。根据珠三角过去几年的表现,当地多数企业最大的困扰便是每年三月以后的“用工荒”。2011年春节刚过,政府颁布


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