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Useful expressions and phrases (用于列举理由等时)首先,第一 阵阵欢呼 以…为中心 专心致志于 自从 连续的,一个接一个 有利于,朝…前进 申请 适用于…. 为某人所熟悉 爱上 被诊断为 突出 创/破/保持记录 写下,记下 与…保持联系 聚焦于…. in the first place burst into cheers centre on concentrate on ever since in a row make for apply for apply ….to…. be familiar to sb fall in love with be diagnosed with stand out set/break/ keep a record set down keep in touch with/keep contact with focus on Unit 2 以…为名义,代表 命名 交换,互换 起航 作为回报 提到,涉及,查阅 被俘虏 在…的指挥下 没有风险 在黑暗中 用光,耗尽 拥有,占有 为…奠定基础 追溯到… 有利于,为…作出贡献 培养,提出,呕吐 依靠适应 成功 in the name of name after in exchange for set sail in return refer to be taken prisoner under the command of without risk in darkness run out take possession of form the foundation of date back to / date from contribute to bring up depend on/rely on make it Unit 3 1.由…组成 2.代表,象征,支持 3.由于…. 4.产生,生 5. 整年,终年 6. 以…为食 7.喜爱 8. 对…有影响/作用 9. 得益于 10.把…转变成… 11. 在…方面与…不同 12. 围拢,聚集 13. 脱离,摆脱 14. 位于,坐落于 15. 除…之外 16. 为…计划/而准备 be made up of/ consist of stand for As a result/consequence of/ on account of give birth to all the year around feed on/live on be fond of have an influence/affect/impact/ effect benefit from transform…into… differ/be different from…in… round up be located in break away from other than be intended for Unit 4 1.大规模的 2.去世 3. 重大突破 4. 参与,卷入 5.适应 6.各种各样,大量的 7. 把…与…分开/隔离 8. 一代一代流传/传递 9. 有…胃口,渴望 10. 把…发展成… 11. 无拘无束,放任的 12. 因…得到回报 13. 前者…后者… 14. 任命某人为… 15. 详细的 16. 把…分类 17. 与…相关 on a large scale pass away break through be involved in adapt to /adjust to a variety of / varieties of separate from pass on from the generation to the next have an appetite for develop into with abandon in reward for the former… the latter… appoint sb as…. in detail classify…into relate to Unit 5 考虑某事 负责,控制 传播,为某人所理解 留心或注意某人/某事 有意义,和、讲的通 困惑,不知所措 手拉手,密切联系 指控,控告 有吸引力,呼吁,上诉 因…责备某人 和…交往/联系 辨别,区别 依恋,认为有(重要性,意义等) 对…作出反应 从另一方面说 take sth into consideration/account in charge of get across look out for/watch out for make sense at a loss hand in hand accuse sb of sth


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