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Emphasize: Highlight the fixed values that start each class address. The first octet rule states that when an address falls into a specified range, it belongs to a certain class. Students should soon be able to recognize the address class of any IP address on sight. Note: If time or interest permits, you can use the initial bit patterns in the first octet and show how a class of IP network derives the range of network numbers for that IP address class. Purpose: This figure explains how to calculate the number of available hosts in a network. Emphasize: 2N-2 is the calculation to determine available hosts. N is the number of binary digits in the host field. Subtract 2 because a host cannot be all 0s or 1s. The same principal applies when determining the number of available networks. Layer 1 of 2: Purpose: This exercise verifies that the students understand IP address classes, network numbers, and host numbers. Give the students time to list the address class, network, and host number for each IP address in the table. Review the correct answers interactively. The answers are given in the following figure. Layer 2 of 2: Purpose: This answers to the exercise are given in the figure. Note: Students can also find the answers to this exercise in the “Answers” appendix. Purpose: This figure explains what networks look like without subnets. Without subnets, use of network addressing space is inefficient. The Class B network is like a highway with no exits—there is no place to exit, so all of the traffic is in one line. Purpose: This figure describes network structure when subnets are used. Emphasize: The host bits of an IP address can be subdivided into a subnetwork section and a host section. The subnetwork section in this example is the full third octet. Point out the difference in the addressing between the previous slide and this slide. A subnetted address space is like a highway with exits. A network device uses a subnet mask to determine what part of the IP


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