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第 45卷  第 6期 化肥设计 D ec. 2007 2007年 12 月 Chem ical Fertilizer D e sign ·55 · 环 境 工 程 化肥厂终端污水的治理与研究 程传振 ,俎  宇 ,苏亚南 ,姬升红 (兖矿峄山化工有限公司 ,山东 邹城  273500) 摘  要 : 分析了兖矿峄山化工有限公司终端污水处理现状 ;从工程投资、工艺技术 、运行成本等方面对 比了二段 A /O法和曝气生物滤池法 2种水处理工艺方案 ;简述了优选方案 ———二段 A /O 法水处理工艺流程 ;介绍了终端污 水处理工程的实施效果和开车经验 。结果表明 ,采用二段 A /O 工艺处理的化肥厂终端污水水质接近于企业原循环 水水质 ,可作为补充水循环使用 。 关键词 : 化肥厂终端污水 ;二段 A /O 水处理工艺 ;污水处理工程 ;污水治理与回用 中图分类号 : TQ 133. 29  文献标识码 : B   文章编号 : 1004 - 890 1 (2007) 06 - 0055 - 04 Trea ting and Study ing for Term ina l Pollutan t W a ter of Chem ica l Fertilizer Plan t CHEN G Chuanzhen , Zu Yu , Su Yanan, J i Shenghong ( Chongkuang F engshan Chem ica l E ng ineering Comp any L td. , Z oucheng S handong  273500 Ch ina) Abstract: Au thor has analyzed the p resent situation for the term inal pollutant water treatm ent in the Chongkuang Fengshan Chem ical Engineering Comp any L td. ; comp ared the two k ind s of water treatm ent p rocess schem es, i. e. two stages of A /O m ethod and b ioaeration filtration pond m ethod from asp ects of p roject invest, p rocess technology, op erating co st etc. ; b riefly described the water treatm ent p rocess flow w ith op timum schem e———two stages A /O m ethod; introduced the execu ting effect for the term inal waste water treatm ent p rocess and also introduced the startingup exp erience. The resu lt indi cates that the term inal waste water quality, treated by u sing the two stagesA /O p rocess disposal in chem ical fertilizer p lant, is app roxim ate to the original ly circu lating water quality in the enterp rise, the treated waste water can be u sed in recircu lation state as supp lem en


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