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l SHANDONGUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计说明书 教学型自动化生产线 安装搬运站及分类站设计 学 院: 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 1121011007 指导教师: 2013.6 摘要 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 摘要 “实验型模块化生产加工系统”融合气动技术、传感器技术、PLC技术、计算机及网络通讯技术等众多学科于一身,能真实地模拟出流水作业型自动加工设备的工况,可对学校学生和工厂的专业技术人员进行技术培训,增强受训人员对机电一体化专业知识应用的感性认识,提高其解决综合问题的能力,从而达到培养机电一体化综合技术人才的目的。 本文以上海宝徕科技有限公司的“实验型模块化生产加工系统控制系统”为背景,对模块化生产加工系统开发过程中控制系统开发的相关技术进行了研究。完成了系统总体功能设计与分解以及各个模块的功能设计与分解,完成了系统加工模块工艺流程的详细设计、PLC程序设计、为模块之间的协调工作设计了合理的传递信息,完成了各个模块的联机工作工艺流程详细设计。 最后,提出了系统有待进一步扩展研究的相关问题。本论文研究所涉及的相关技术和方法为MPS的开发设计提供了有益的借鉴。 关键字:MPS,模块化,PLC,生产加工 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Laboratorial Module Process System integrates the pneumatic technology, sensor technology, PLC technology, computers and net communication technology all in one. It can actually simulate the working situation of pipelining automatic processing equipment, and provide technology training for students in the high schools or workers of factories. It can help the trainers enhance the perceptive understanding of mechanical and electronic knowledge, and improve the abilities of solving complicated problems so as to foster persons with mechanical and electronic technology. This paper is based on the requirement of Development of Controlling system for Laboratorial Module Process System cooperating with shanghai baolai Technology and Industry Co. Ltd and makes some research on the relevant technology of the design of controlling system used in the design of Module Process System. In this dissertation, general design of the system was completed, which was to confirm and decompose the function of the system and each unit. After that, the specific design of the system function, technics flow design, PLC program flow chart design, PLC program design was completed, reasonable communicating information for the corresponding of each system was designed, an


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