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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
With entering the new century, college students commit suicide frequently in our country. In a conference summoned in 2005, Gui-Ren Yuan, the vice-minister of Ministry of Education, pointed out that the number of college students committing suicide increased year by year and with the raising trend in recent years. According to the statistics we have collected, more than 20 committing suicide cases have been reported through newspaper and internet in the former 8 months of 2010.
The reasons for college students committing suicide are complicated, including the intense rhythm of life, drastic social competition, indifferent interpersonal relationship, flimsy psychological diathesis and so on. In order to reduce the number of committing suicide cases, based on some suicidal cases occurred between 2008 and 2010, this research discussed the suicidal reasons classified into individual and social reasons. Furthermore, we put forward several opinions about the intervention and precaution for the college students’ suicide.
This research considered that we should adopt different intervention and precaution means according to the different reasons of college students’ suicide. The concrete steps
are shown as follows:For the students who have strong attempt to commit suicide or in
an urgent condition, a critical interference must be done to free them from the crisis of suicide; for the whole students, the preventive measures should be adopted to free them from the attempt of suicide.
Aiming at the reasons that could result in suicide, this research discussed the precaution for college students’ suicide through the pedagogy. Meanwhile, it is believed that we could adopt the 5 education measures namely: life sanctity, value interference, the recollection of self-value, the reply to pressure and the envisaging to death. These 5 measures could strengthen college students’ recognition for life, correct their confusion about the meaninglessn
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