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I I 摘 要 带非局部边界椭圆问题在科学与工程领域中具有广泛的应用背景, 本文针对一 类带非局部边界二阶椭圆问题研究了其有限元和有限体元方法, 并讨论了其相应的 快速算法, 获得了如下结果: 针对带非局部边界二阶椭圆问题的线性有限体元离散系统, 设计了一种上三角 形预条件子, 本质性地将该离散系统的求解转化为二阶椭圆边值问题对应离散系统 的求解, 进而利用代数多重网格法 (AMG), 获得了求解带非局部边界二阶椭圆问题 的一种快速算法, 数值实验验证了该算法的有效性. 基于二次有限元和线性有限元的外推格式, 设计了一种组合型高阶格式, 并证 明了该格式是三阶的. 同时, 还为该格式设计了相应的快速算法, 数值实验验证了 理论结果的正确性和快速算法的高效性, 并表明对于一致网格情形, 该格式是四阶 收敛的. 另外, 分别设计了二次有限元格式和二阶混合有限体元格式以及相应的快速算 法, 数值实验验证了该快速算法的高效性, 同时数值结果还表明二次有限元解在 H1 和 L2 模下均具有饱和收敛阶, 二阶混合有限体元格式在 H1 模下具有饱和收敛阶. 关键词:带非局部边界椭圆问题; 有限元方法; 有限体元方法; 快速算法; 预条件子; 多重网格法 I II Abstract The elliptic problem with nonlocal boundary condition is widely applied in the ?eld of science and engineering. In this thesis, We study the ?nite element and the ?nite volume element methods for a two-order elliptic problem with nonlocal boundary condition, discuss the corresponding fast solving algorithms, and obtain the following results. Aiming at the linear discrete system from the linear ?nite volume element scheme, we design a upper-triangular preconditioner. The preconditioner transfers the solving of original discrete system to that of the corresponding discrete system from a two-order elliptic boundary-value problem. Hence, the algebraic multigrid method can be employed, and a new fast-solving method for the two-order ellip- tic problem with nonlocal boundary condition is obtained. Numerical experiments conform the validity of the new algorithm. Based on the quadratic ?nite element and the extrapolation linear ?nite element method, we design a mixed-type scheme, prove that it is convergent order three, and design a corresponding fast solving algorithm for its discrete system. Numerical results not only validate that the new algorithm is e?cient, but also show that the new scheme is convergent order four on uniform grids. In addition, we design a quadratic ?nite element scheme and a two-order mixed ?nite volume element scheme together with their corresponding fast solving algo- rithms, respectively. Numerical experiments ve


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