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摘 要 近年来,大跨网壳结构在体育馆、工业厂房、博物馆和车站等建筑中得到了大 量的应用。虽然现在大跨度结构一般都是采用钢结构,但是木材由于其重量轻且 具有一定的装饰性,所以在大跨结构中也有一定的使用。 无论是什么材料所构成的大跨网壳结构,由于其质量轻,刚度小,频率集中等 特点,都属于风敏感结构。现在很多关于大跨结构的风振响应的研究是通过准定 常假定或者一些修正的假定将风速向风压转换,这对于大跨度结构的适用性值得 商榷。对于网壳特别是单层网壳的整体稳定性的研究,主要是针对钢结构网壳, 而对于木结构单层网壳的研究基本没有。本文主要以天津欢乐谷 85m 跨单层球形 木结构网壳为例,研究木结构网壳的风振响应和整体稳定性。 本文基于白噪声滤波法(AR 法)解决脉动风入口的输入问题,通过大涡模拟 (LES)得到网壳上各节点的风压时程,然后通过瞬态动力学计算得到网壳各节点 的风振系数。与风洞试验结果对比表明本文方法的计算结果和试验结果吻合较好, 按该方法计算大跨结构风振响应是可行的。通过本文方法,论文讨论了木结构网 壳在不同竖向荷载、阻尼、边界条件和荷载分布等参数作用下对于网壳风振系数 的影响。 对于整体稳定性,本文通过计算木结构球形单层网壳在半跨活荷载以及全跨活 荷载下的屈曲特征值,无缺陷的稳定承载力和引入初始缺陷后的网壳承载力,讨 论了网壳的初始缺陷、荷载分布和非线性对于木结构网壳的整体承载力的影响。 本文采用的分析方法和各种影响因素的对比结果,以及风振系数和整体稳定性 荷载的取值规律,可供类似结构设计作为参考。 关键词:大跨木结构网壳,风振系数,大涡模拟,AR 法,整体稳定性 ABSRACT In recent years, the large-span shell got a large number of applications, such as the gym, industrial buildings, museums, railway stations and so on. Although large-span structure generally adopts steel structure at present, the wood is also a very good material that can be applied in the large-span structure because of its light weight and adornment performance. Whatever materials of reticulated shell structures, they are sensitive to wind due to light weight, small stiffness and frequency concentration characteristics. A lot of researches about large-span structures are based on quasi-steady assumption that converts wind speed to wind pressure, which is needed to discuss for the large-span structures. The research of the overall stability about the reticulated shell especially about single-layer reticulated shell is aimed at steel reticulated shell structure, but the study of timberwork single-layer reticulated shell are few research. This article is mainly based on Eighty five meters-span reticulated spherical wood shell as an example in Tianjin happy valley, studies the wind vibration response and overall stability of this wood reticulated shell. Firstly based on white noise filtering method (AR method) which could solve the problem of the inlet of fluctuation wind, the



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