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m川m m川m,, 州 川川q川 dw 翩翩, 唰喇喇啼 , 恻唰唰A唔删 恻唰唰A唔 删川o川o mmma咽, 州 Y At the completion of this 伽.esis,1would like to express my deep gr创iωde and great appreciation to all those who contributed to 忧 My sincere and hearty thanks go firstly to my supervisor Associate Professor Tang Yanfang and Lecturer Zhao Yue,who took great pains to prooιread the whole manuscript and provide insightful comments 臼 well 邸 suggestions. Without their illuminating suggestions and careful revisions,1would never have brought the thesis to the final form. 1am also grateful to all the professors from Zhejiang Normal University who have ever given us lectures in the summer and winter holidays. And 1have learned a great deal from them in either academic knowledge or individual distinction. Thanks should also go to my col1eagues in Huzhou Teachers College and all the college students involved in this research for their responses to 由e questionnaires and cooperation in 阳interviews have provided a lot of information for the thesis. Finally,a deep sense of gratitude should be given ωmy family members---my parents and my husband. Without their encouragement and support,it would be definitely difficult for me to complete my postgraduate study. An An experiment was carried out in Huzhou Teachers College where the writer works. The research lasted for 4 months. Two parallel classes ofthe writer are the research subjects. Interactive approach was carried out in the experimental class,while the control class followed the traditional way.ηley were in the beginning of the first semester of second ye町 in college learning. In the research,the da饵, collected through tes阳,刷刷ionnaire, interview and classroom observation,was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. All the collected quantitative data were analyzed by using SPSS 11.5. 币le major findings ofthe research show th旧the roles of the teacher and students have changed,which 盯e different 仕om those in the traditional classroom setting. The teacher i



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