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ABSTRACT Since the 1970s,with the development of psychology,more and more attention has been paid to learners affective variables. Foreign language anxiety is agre创 to be one of the most important factors in 也is aspωt.Western researchers adopted a variety of methods ωdeal with 也e relationship between foreign language learning in di班erent contexts and language anxiety. A large number of studies show that anxiety has negative influence ∞foreign language leaming. On1y tentative studies on anxiety 阳 are carried out in 白.e China and few studies have been conducted on how ωalleviate language anxi吗r in EFL clωsroom,notωmention language anxiety under 由e context of placement teaching. Based on the relevant studies on anxiety,esp∞ially the Affective Filt町 Hypo由esis and inspired by the conc叩t of humanism and the principles of constructivism,也.e author 创es to probe into the situation of non-English majors anxiety at Shihezi University. The instruments 缸e questionnaires Horwitzs Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale σLCAS) and interview; the participants 町e 100 non-English sophomores in Shihezi University. Data are analyzed with the aid ofSPSS15.0. Thes阳dy triesωansw 时 the following qu创tions: what 扭曲e current situation of non-English majors anxiety manifested in 也e ∞ntext of English p创agogical reform? wh创 m 由e potential sources of studen饵, English learning anxiety? What teaching strategies can help alleviate English learning anxiety? The results of the s阳dy show that,generally,students are more or less interfl町d with language anxiety in EFL classroom. English language classroom anxiety can be 也 caus叫by many factors,like 由e competitive mechanism ,test,classroom atmosphere, students beHef and teaching procedure ,tests appear to be most anxi町伊ovoking. Based on the above fmdings,the author makes 也e suggestions: bui1ding a proper ,reducing 臼st anxiety and arranging classroom activities according ω environment students need. Key words: Foreign Language Anxiety;



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