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磁约束等离子体边界层里杂质辐射的研究 磁约束等离子体边界层里杂质辐射的研究 II II EMC3-EIRENE 程序模拟了 ITER 装置在电流爬升阶段,分立限制器 溅射出来的铍杂质在边界层的三维输运和辐射功率,得到了铍杂质的 密度分布特性等;同时自编程序在日冕平衡和非日冕平衡(考虑杂质 输运效应)条件下分别计算了等离子体边界 sol 层里,铍(Be)杂质 各个价态辐射的总功率,并和三维程序 EMC3-EIRENE 的计算结果作 对比,结果符合很好。开展该模拟研究对于研究有关 ITER 边界等离 子体输运的科学问题具有一定的意义。 关键词:日冕平衡;ITER;托卡马克;边界层;EMC3-EIRENE;杂 质输运;杂质辐射 III III STUDY OF IMPURITY RADIATION IN EDGE LAYER OF MAGNETIC CONFINED PLASMAS ABSTRACT Magnetic confined fusion device is a main scheme for the research of controlled thermonuclear fusion. The edge plasma between the core plasma and the first wall of this kind of device always interact with the first wall directly and thus unavoidably generates impurities in plasmas. The impurity category varies in a wide range from low Z to high Z according to different experimental conditions and the materials of the first wall. The impurity ions will be forced into the core region and contaminate core plasmas. The radiation losses caused by impurities reduce the plasma temperature and consequently lead to a reduction of confinement time or disruption. So the behavior of edge plasmas play an important role in ash removal, heat removal and impurity control of magnetic confined devices and future fusion reactors. The study of impurities in edge plasmas is a forefront topic in magnetic confined fusion devices like tokamaks. The transport process in edge plasma is complex so the theoretical study of edge plasma (divertor physics) mainly depends on numerical modeling. EMC3-EIRENE is the only parallel code for researches of 3D edge plasma and impurity transport. It uses Monte-Carlo algorithm to solve transport equations in fluid model. The large program uses the real boundary of fusion device as calculation limit and considers physical parameters of the edge layer, so the modeling result can provide the characteristics of edge plasmas. It is an important tool for modeling edge transport in tokamaks and stellarators. This paper used the EMC3-EIRENE code to model the 3D tran



peili2018 + 关注


