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- II -
此外,我们研究了局限于光晶格势阱中双组分凝聚体的亮-亮孤子的振荡及 碰撞行为。发现第一带隙中孤子的运动方向和振荡行为可以分别通过晶格常数和 势阱深度来控制。第一带隙中的孤子还能被局域在势阱中,并且随着势阱深度的 增加,每个局域的隙孤子都会发生分裂。通过调节势阱的深度,还可以实现隙孤 子碰撞类型的转变。
关键词:玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚;Gross-Pitaevskii 方程;孤子;S- 波散射长度;囚 禁外部势阱
- III -
The experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) provides a unique platform to explore the nonlinear matter wave. Especially, due to the successfully observation of bright, dark and vector matter wave solitons, nonlinear properties in BEC has been one of hot topic in the fields of both nonlinear science and ultracold atomic physics. Theoretically, the properties of the BEC are usually described by the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation based on the mean-field approximation. In the GP equation, the controlling macroscopical parameters are the the external potential and s-wave scattering length(SL) representing the strength of atomic interaction. Expermetally, the external potential can be tuned by the external magnetic field or laser, and the atomic interaction can be controlled by means of Feshbach resonance. To date, it was shown that the nonlinearly properties of BEC depend strongly on the external potentials and atomic interaction. In this thesis, considering the time-dependent SL, we study the propagating and collision properties of BECs trapped in the harmonic potentials and/or optical lattice potential. The main works of this thesis are organized as follows:
Firstly, considering time-dependence of both SL and external potential, we study the collisional behaviors of two bright solitons in a single-species BEC by developing Darboux transformation. It is found that the amplitude and width of each soliton, and the distance between two solitons can be controlled by tuning SL. For linearly increased SL but nonlinearly decreased external potential, especially, the atom transfer between two solitons is observed. This opens possibilities for future application in atoms transport. Fur
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