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磁钝体尾迹演化及其对钝体绕流控制和传热的作用 磁钝体尾迹演化及其对钝体绕流控制和传热的作用 南京航空航天大学博士学位论文 南京航空航天大学博士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 孤立磁钝体对换热的促进作用更显著。在不稳定流动中,换热增量随来流速度和磁场强度的增 加而增大,随磁钝体间隙率的减小而增大;当来流速度和磁场强度为定值时,综合换热性能在 ξ=2 时有最佳值。(国际著名传热传质期刊 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 的审稿专家评价此部分内容为 The authors present an interesting study of flow and heat transfer in a duct with an array of magnetic obstacles (side-by-side) for various separations among them. The paper provides useful information related to the dynamic and thermal behavior of the flow.) 第三,研究了磁钝体作为上游扰动体时对导电流体绕流下游圆柱/方柱的流动和换热的作 用,并对比分析了磁钝体对圆柱和方柱的作用效果。结果表明,磁钝体和圆柱/方柱间的区域内 存在两种明显的流动模式:空穴模式和尾流撞击模式。钝体间距较小时为空穴模式,间距较大 时为尾流撞击模式。两种模式下磁钝体都可以减小下游圆柱/方柱的阻力,而空穴模式时的减阻 效果更好。磁钝体引入的压降损失与下游钝体的截面形状有关,磁钝体对方柱阻力的减小要高 于磁钝体所引入的压降损失。下游钝体迎风面与周围流体的换热能力明显减弱,从而使得下游 钝体与周围流体的整体对流换热能力降低。 关键词:局部磁场,磁钝体,尾迹不稳定性,固体钝体,传热,流动减阻 感谢“国家自然科学基金(No51276089),2010 年度高等学校博士点专项基金 (No.20103218110027)及江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目”对本文的支持。 II ABSTRACT Electrically conducting fluid flow under an external non-uniform local magnetic field will be retarded by the Lorentz force. The non-contact force has been widely utilized in the industrial applications including metallurgy (such as electromagnetic stirring) and flow measurement (such as Lorentz force velocimetry). In this thesis, the characteristics of flow and heat transfer of electrically conducting fluid under non-uniform local magnetic field were investigated and the vortices structure of magnetic obstacle, wake evolution and the influence on flow and heat transfer were studied numerically and compared with existent experimental results. Furthermore, a magnetic obstacle was set upstream to investigate its impact on flow around a bluff obstacle and convection heat transfer. The detailed content and results are listed as follows: Firstly, the characteristics of flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting fluid flow under a non-uniform local magnetic field in a rectangular duct were investigated by numerical simulation. When



peili2018 + 关注


