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西安 西安建筑科技大学硕士论文 Researches on Demagnetizing Field Theory of Magnetic Materials Specialty:Materials Physics and Chemistηr Name: ZAN Hui-ping Tutor: Prof.XU Qi-rning ABSTRACT Magnetic rnaterial is one of the rnost irnportant parts of function rnaterials,and has rnany applications. Magnetic rnaterials 缸e either spontaneous rnagnetization or technical magnetization . Magnetic dornain theory is theoretical basis of the magnetizing rnechanisrn of rnagnetic materials. The formation of rnagnetic dornain is the important research field of magnetic domain theory. Reduction of dernagnetizing energy is the cause of the magnetic domain formation,and then demagnetizing field and demagnetizing energy play a rnajor role in the formation of the magnetic domain,that cannot be replaced. In applications,when external field is applied,rnat巳rial is rnagnetized and demagnetizing field is produced . The magnetic properties of materials depend directly on the dernagnetizing field formed in magnetizing process. Firstly,an ?ntroduction about the microscopic origin and the c1assification of magnetic rnaterial are given. Then a summation about physical phenornenon of the ferrornagnetic rnaterial and theories of spontan巳ous magnetization,as well 岱 technical rnagnetizations are made. When material is rnagnetized ,rnagnetic charges are caused on rnaterial surface and in the material.ηle magnetic field in magnet ic rnaterial produced by the rnagnetic charges is called demagnetizing field. Dernagnetizing energy related to dernagnetizing field is unfavorable to homogeneous magnetizing,but is helpful to magnetic dornains forrning. If there were no control of exchange action energy and rnagnetic crystal anisotropic energy,the marnetic domains splitting would continue without limitation. Thus,all kinds of energy in rnagnetic material decide the size of rnagnetic domain and the shape of magnetic dornain wall.ln other words,exchange action energy only control microscopic pro



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