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摘 要 在我国经济发展新常态下,考虑到重工业领域对工业厂房的需求朝跨度更大、承 载能力更高、建设速度更快、环境破坏和污染更小、经济性更好的方向发展趋势,本 文以某实际项目为背景,拟建大跨度单层双联跨重型钢结构厂房为研究对象,从设计、 加工制作、施工安装三个阶段展开分析,研究大跨度重型钢结构厂房的造价控制方法。 设计阶段,通过对 6m、9m、12m 三种柱距布置方案的对比分析,研究了钢架、 吊车梁、支撑系统、檩条、墙梁等主要构件单位面积用钢量对柱距变化的敏感性。研 究结果表明,钢架用钢量随柱距增大而减小;吊车梁、支撑系统、檩条、墙梁用钢量 随柱距增大而增加;柱距为 9m 时,本文研究厂房的钢材用量最少。 加工制作阶段,分析了制作流程、关键制作工序的设备和工艺对钢结构厂房制作 成本影响。研究结果表明,切割、焊接、涂装等关键制作工序中加工设备和工艺的恰 当选择对钢结构制作成本有显著影响;采用数字坡口切割技术、埋弧自动焊及无气喷 涂法可以有效降低钢结构的制作成本。 施工安装阶段,分析了安装流程、吊装方案、安装工艺、劳动力组织以及设备机 具等因素对安装成本的影响。研究结果表明,按需选取汽车式起重机并合理安排机械 台班可有效降低钢结构的安装成本;综合考虑各类因素,制定合理施工组织方案和科 学施工管理方法可实现对钢结构安装成本的有效控制。 通过设计、加工制作、施工安装三个阶段,主要考虑材料、人工、施工机具三要 素,提出了对大跨度重型钢结构厂房造价控制的合理建议,可为该类型厂房建设提供 有益参考。 关键词:大跨度、钢结构厂房、经济柱距、合理流程、造价控制 i ABSTRACT As our country’s economy development entering the new normal stage, the demand for industry building in the field of heavy industry is developing towards the trend of larger span, higher carrying capacity, faster construction, less pollution to the environment and more economic. This text take the new large-span heavy steel structure workshop of a heavy equipment factory as the research object, study the cost control method through the analysis of design, making and installation stages of the steel structure workshop. At the design stage, through the comparative analysis of three different design schemes whose column space are respectively 6m, 9m and 12m, the relation between column space and the steel consumption of steel columns, steel beams, crane beams, supporting system and purlins are studied. The research shows, the steel consumption of steel frames decreases with the increase of column space while the steel consumption of crane beams, supporting system and purlins increase with the increase of column space. And the steel consumption of the large-span heavy-duty steel structure workshop reaches the minimum when column space is 9m. At the making stage, the research shows, processing equipment and processing technology have remarkable influence to the making cost of steel structure


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