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山东理工大学硕士学位论文摘要 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 摘要 万方数据 万方数据 摘要 通过对 20%粗甘油物理化学性质研究,在选定规模及分离要求条件下采用 Aspen Plus 软件进行模拟,设计计算两级蒸发提浓甘油工艺流程及技术参数,确 定粗甘油浓缩和分离的最佳工艺技术条件及流程布置、设备选型,实现低能耗蒸 发提浓工艺方案。 对残留甘油及聚甘油重馏分采用分子蒸馏分离利用,通过分析分子蒸馏技术 特点,结合国内外分子蒸馏装置结构、内构件和装置辅助设施,在分析甘油渣重 馏分组成、性质及流变特性基础上,设计 0.8m2 分子蒸馏器中试装置,对分离重 质甘油渣工艺技术参数进行了设计计算,并对内部构件、配套设备及热冷系统进 行了设备选型。在设计甘油渣重馏分中试规模装置上分别对分子蒸馏温度、真空、 刮膜转速、进料速率及预热温度进行单因素试验研究,获得实验数据基础上,通 过正交试验进一步优化工艺技术参数,以蒸馏收率和油品色泽为评价指标,确定 中试分子蒸馏分离粗甘油技术参数及影响收率的主要因素,试验最佳工艺技术条 件为:预热温度 180℃,蒸馏温度 205℃,刮膜转速 85rpm/min,残压为 15pa。 关键词:粗甘油、甘油渣、分子蒸馏、Aspen Plus I 山东理工大学硕士学位论文AB 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT According to the physical properties of glycerol, combined with the Aspen Plus simulation software, it determined the optimum process enrichment and separation conditions of crude glycerol. Glycerol and polyglycerol products adopt the secondary flash and molecular distillation separation technology. We analyze the internals, equipment structure, the advantages and disadvantages of this technology by understanding the technical principle and operating characteristics of molecular distillation and looking up the literature of molecular distillation at home and abroad. And based on the physical properties and flow characteristics of crude glycerin, designed the technology parameters and internal components of pilot molecular distillation apparatus to separate and refine crude glycerin, designed and selected the type of supporting ancillary equipment and system. In feed rate of 281.51 kg/h, combined with the test data, initial feed temperature, operating temperature, the residual pressure of equipment in operation and scraper speed were studied. The orthogonal experiment was carried out based on the experimental data. Optimizing the process based on the results, and finally determined the optimum process conditions of molecular distillation to separate the residue glycerol: preheating temperature is 180 ℃ , distillation temperature is 205 ℃ , pressure is 15Pa, wiped film spe


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