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汕头大学硕士学位论文代数免疫度最优的旋转对称布尔函数的构造 汕头大学硕士学位论文 代数免疫度最优的旋转对称布尔函数的构造 万方数据 万方数据 摘要 近几年,代数攻击成为一种新的密码分析技术,很多密码算法都无法抵抗这 种攻击方法,像分组密码、流密码、公钥密码甚至是 hash 函数都受到了威胁。 随着代数攻击的出现,代数免疫度成为选择布尔函数的一个重要指标。它用来衡 量布尔函数抵抗标准代数攻击的能力。代数免疫度越高,抵抗代数攻击的能力越 强。为了最有效的抵抗代数攻击,密码系统中使用的布尔函数必须具有尽可能高 的代数免疫度,甚至是代数免疫度最优的。在各类布尔函数中,旋转对称布尔函 数提供更高效的计算,同时具有很多优良的密码学性质,是目前的研究热点。 本文主要研究了如何构造代数免疫度最优的旋转对称布尔函数,并对其代数 次数,非线性度进行了分析。具体结果如下: 1.偶数变元情形。给出了代数免疫度最优的偶数元旋转对称布尔函数的构造 方法。该方法构造的布尔函数不仅代数免疫度最优,而且具有较高的非线性度。 同时,给定一个偶数 n(n 3 16) ,可构造多个代数免疫度最优的旋转对称布尔函 数。 2.奇数变元情形。首先,给出了代数免疫度最优的奇数元旋转对称布尔函数 的构造方法。该方法构造的布尔函数不仅代数免疫度最优,而且具有非常高的非 线性度,这是到目前为止非线性度最高的构造方法。其次,证明了所构造的布尔 函数的代数次数也较高。 关键词:代数攻击;代数免疫度;旋转对称布尔函数;非线性度;代数次数 I Abstract In recent years, algebraic attack has become a new cryptanalysis technique. Many cryptographic algorithms are unable to resist this kind of attack, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, public-key cryptography and hash functions are even threatened. Algebraic immunity is proposed and becomes an important property for choosing Boolean functions. The algebraic immunity of a Boolean function expresses its ability to resist algebraic attack. In order to resist algebraic attacks, Boolean functions used in cryptosystem should have high algebraic immunity (even the optimum algebraic immunity). In all types of Boolean functions, the rotation symmetric Boolean functions provide a more efficient computing and own good cryptographic properties. Constructing optimum algebraic immunity rotation symmetric Boolean functions, analyzing the new functions’ algebraic nonlinearity and algebraic degree are studied in this paper. The main results are given as follows: The situation of even-variable. We provide a new construction of even-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimum algebraic immunity. The new functions not only have optimum algebraic immunity, but also have high nonlinearity. Furthermore, given an n(n 3 16) , we construct more than one function with optimum algebraic immunity. The situation of odd-variabl


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