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院执行权的制度支撑。而后阐释了实践中法院刑事执行权的缺陷与负向效应,即现行法 院执行机构同时拥有执行裁判权与执行实施权,使得执行权大而过于集中,缺乏清晰的 职权划分和合理的责任机制,严重影响执行工作的健康发展。同时法院拥有执行权也与 以审判权为核心的现代法院体制产生了潜在的矛盾,这使得审判权消极中立的属性与执 行权积极主动的要求在实践中无法做到并行不悖,既动摇了法院中立裁判者地位,又导 致执行效率低下等诸多负向效应。 第五部分是对法院执行程序中权力体系的重新构建。执行程序中法院执行权造成了 对法院制度以及司法制度的损害。因此,消解法院刑事执行权成为制度重建的首要选择, 在刑事执行一体化思想的指导下,设立专门的刑罚执行机关,独立行使刑罚执行权。由 于刑事执行权的重构涉及到我国刑事法律的重新调整,而且涉及到对法院、公安机关与 司法行政机关的权力的再次分配,难度较大。因此笔者建议应先消解法院的刑事执行权, 再在现有体制的基础上循序渐进,逐步推进一体化进程。在重新定位裁判权与执行权关 系时,笔者提出以裁判权影响执行权的理论构想,建立“新”二元执行体制。新二元体 制不同于法院为主导的执行体制,它意在一种通过裁判权与执行权的制约与平衡作用, 以裁量活动为媒介影响执行权的机制。使得法院在执行程序中能灵活运用裁判权,实现 刑罚间的联动,刑罚种类的多样性,从而激活这个行刑局面,保障行刑技术的综合运用。 同时笔者还提出了使执行变更裁判权裁判权司法化归位和建立对违法执行行为进行司 法审查制度的相关意见。 关键词:执行程序;法院;裁判权;执行权 Abstract The very essence of criminal procedure is a judicial procedure,so that it shall provide remedies to certain people that may be infringed upon by unreasonable behaviour and to guarantee the national power of punishment legitimately and in time.An alleged administrative criminal procedure,however,departs from the essence in the structure of action and the proceeding of action , and the authority of the court is similar to those executive power . So the studies on court and judiciary system have been one of important issues of the research on judicial reform. But most of the current research are focusing on the background of macroscopic field, the research of microcosmic field have not been taken note to.The thesis begins with the analyses of the power of the court to observe the courts two powers in the field of criminal execution--Jurisdiction and Criminal execution powers. By analyzing the power of court in our country, the thesis tries to explain the power of the court in the field of criminal execution. Through the analyses of the model of Jurisdiction and the harmful of the criminal execution power ,the author wants to rethink the system. The purpose of the analyze is to rebuilding the role of court in the field of criminal execution, and also to activate the whole criminal execution field. Thi



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