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摘要 射频电源功率控制是大功率射频板条 CO2 激光器关键技术之一。本文系统地研究 了射频电源功率控制电路,主要包括 PWM 调制器、调制信号放大,以及大功率电子 管栅极电流检测,实现了对射频板条 CO2 激光器输出激光功率调节和电子管栅极过流 保护。论文主要内容包括: (1)分析了大功率电子管式射频电源的工作原理及其对功率控制电路的要求,设 计了基于 TMS320F2812 处理器的脉宽调制电路,它能产生维持方式、连续方式和脉冲 方式三种脉宽调制信号。 (2)开发了射频电源调制器的串口通讯界面。通过 VB6.0 开发平台和 MSComm 通 讯控件编写射频电源调制器与 PC 机的串口通讯界面。通讯界面通过 RS-232 与调制器 通讯,实现外控时对调制器输出的 PWM 信号进行控制以及内控时实时显示 PWM 的参 数。 (3)设计了射频电源脉宽调制放大电路。根据电子管栅极驱动能力的要求,课题 使用了 BIMOSFET 作为电路的放大器件,将射频电源调制器输出的 5V 的 PWM 信号 放大成-200V 的 PWM 信号来驱动电子管的栅极。 (4)设计了射频电源栅极电流检测电路。利用 EPM7064SL44 芯片来完成栅流检测 电路逻辑功能,实现对射频电源栅极的电流信号和电路板的掉电信号的检测,当栅极 电流平均值大于 2.5A 或者电路板掉电的时候 CPLD 会产生一个高电平报警信号。使用 Quartus2 软件对此逻辑电路进行了时序仿真。 本文研制的射频电源功率控制电路实现了对射频板条 CO2 激光器输出光功率的实 时控制,并保证射频电源电子管栅极电流在额定的范围内安全有效的工作。论文研究 工作对于攻克大功率射频激光电源及其调制技术提供了理论指导和设计依据。 关键词:射频激光电源 脉宽调制器 调制放大 串口通讯 栅流检测 Abstract The power control of RF power supply is one of the key technologies of high power RF slab CO2 laser. Power control circuit of RF power supply systematic has researched in this thesis, which include Pulse Width Modulator, PWM signal amplifying, grid current detection of high power electronic tube.The circuit can realize the output power adjustment of RF slab CO2 laser and over-current protection on electronic tube grid. The main contents are as follows: The working principle of high power electronic tube RF power supply and its Requirements for power control circuit has been introduce. Pulse Width Modulation circuit has been designed based on processor TMS320F2812. The circuit can generates three kinds of PWM signals which include maintenance mode, continuous mode and pulse mode. The Serial communication interface of RF power modulator has been written. Communication interface between RF power pulse width modulator and PC has been written by VB6.0 development platform and MSComm communication control. Communicating with the modulator via RS-232 through communication interface, the output signal of RF modulator can be controlled when modulator is in the condition of external controlling and P



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