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Study on Ammoximation of Cyclohexanone Catalyzed by Magnetic Titanium Silicalite Molecular Sieve
Cyclohexanone oxime is the important precursors of caprolactam in the industry field. About 90% of caprolactam is produced by using cyclohexanone oxime as raw material through Beckmann rearrangement method. However, the traditional process exist some shortcomings such as complex technologies, more intermediate steps and discharge of low-product ammonium sulfate and contaminate nitrogen oxides for the synthesis of massive hydroxylammonium salts, which resulting in inefficient production of caprolactam and serious environmental pollution problems. Cyclohexanone oxime can be obtained in the mild reaction conditions with high selectivity by titanium silicate molecular sieves. The novel technology has showed a lot of advantages such as brief process, environment-friendly and mild reaction conditions and so on. However, there is a problem with the liquid-solid separation and recycle of the catalytic agent due to its small particle size. Magnetic titanium silicalite molecular sieves was proposed and prepared to achieve a fast and efficient recovery of the catalyst by means of an external magnetic field. In this paper ammoximation of cyclohexanone catalyzed by magnetic titanium silicalite molecular sieve was studied detailedly and optimum operating conditions and reaction kinetics parameters was achieved to provide theoretical references for industrialization.
Magnetic titanium silicalite molecular sieves was synthesized via the process of hydrothermal synthesis and solvent vaporation method by using orthosilicate ester as silica source, tetrabutyl titanate as the titanium source, tetrapropylammonium ammonium hydroxide as a template agent and nanosized nickelferrite as nuclear magnetic. The influences of reactants ratios, reaction temperature, reaction time, catalyst amount and ratio of solvent to the cyclohexanone conversion and oxime selectivity in a
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