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Sherlock Holmes And his biggest enemy James Moriarty The hero in this novel Sherlock Holmes is a character created by the Scottish writer Conan Doyle. The story started when Holmes met Dr. John H. Watson and they became close friends. They shared rooms with each other at 221B, Baker Street, London. His hobbies and characters hobbies Thinking,violin,boxing,swordplay , the chemistry experiment Characters careful,cold,cool, little proud and complacent Novels ? A Study in Scarlet (published 1887, in Beeton‘s Christmas Annual)《血字研究》 ? The Sign of the Four (published 1890, Lippincott‘s Monthly Magazine)《四签名》 ? The Hound of the Baskervilles (serialised 1901–1902 in The Strand)《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》 ? The Valley of Fear (serialised 1914–1915 in The Strand《恐怖谷》 The Holmess saying If you precise destruction, in the public interest, I am willing to accept death.(《最后一案》) 如果能确切的让你毁灭,为了公众的利益,我很乐意接受死亡. In the absence of any evidence, the reasoning is not, in that case, can only be misguided.(《血字的研究》) 在没有得到任何证据的情况下是不能进行推理的,那样的话,只能是误入歧途。 When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improssible, must be the truth. 当你排除了那些不可能的,不论剩下什么,看起来有多么不可能,它就是真理. I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule.(《四签名》) 我从不假设例外,例外会打破调查的原则。 Biggest enemy James Moriarty ? Professor Moriarty is Holmes’s main enemy, who is regarded as the “Napoleon of crime”. Sherlock once described him as a spider. A spider at the center of web, a criminal web with a thousand threads and he knows precisely how each and every single one of them dances.” ? The fall——The Final Problem(最后一案) In 《 The Final Problem 》,Sherlock dueled with Moriarty in front of Reichenbach Waterfall (莱辛巴赫瀑布).They fell at the same time. Sherlock survived while Moriarty was dead. Evil as Moriarty is ,I also like him very much just like Sherlock. Thank you



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