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摘 摘 要 I I 摘 要 在确保汽轮机以及相应的辅助设备安全运行的条件下,使机组在各负荷工况下 能保持最佳的运行方式以及最优的参数匹配,从而提高机组运行的经济效益,对当 前的节能减排工作具有非常重要的意义。 本文基于热平衡理论,当机组负荷一定时,分别以最小热耗率和最小单位时间 标准煤耗量为目标函数,建立机组纯凝汽和抽汽工况的初压优化模型;通过分析不 同循环水泵组合方式对机组冷端系统净功率的影响,建立了循环水泵运行优化模型。 以 C300-16.7/0.43/537/537 机组为例进行了验证计算,所得误差在工程允许范围内, 表明所建模型准确;通过穷举法寻优得到了机组不同工况下的最佳初压,并分析了 主蒸汽压力变化对机组热经济性影响的原因;通过穷举法寻优,得到机组不同负荷 工况下循环水温连续变化时的最佳循环水泵运行方式。结果表明:当机组负荷一定, 通过调整配汽方式,存在某一主蒸汽压力使机组热经济指标达到最优;优化得到的 最优循环水泵组合方式,可以直接用于指导运行人员对循环水泵运行方式的调整。 基于循环水泵运行优化以及热平衡理论分析,分别以最大供电效率和最小供电 标准煤耗为目标函数,建立了机组纯凝汽和抽汽工况的初压和背压优化模型。以 C300-16.7/0.43/537/537 机组为例,运用改进粒子群算法对机组多变量优化模型进行 了寻优计算,得到了各负荷工况的最优初压和背压。结果表明:当机组在一定负荷 运行时,通过调整配汽方式和循环水入口温度,可得使机组热经济指标最优的主蒸 汽压力和排汽压力,为机组的运行参数优化研究提供了参考。 本文所述的机组运行参数优化模型简单适用,并利用 PowerBuilder 语言编制计 算程序,能较准确地反映机组运行的实际情况,为机组高效率运行提供依据。 关键词:优化运行;汽轮机;循环水泵;粒子群算法;变工况 华北电力大学硕士学位论文 华北电力大学硕士学位论文 II II Abstract As we all know, it is the best operation and the optimal-allocation of parameters under different loads conducive to improve the economic benefit of units operation that have a very important significance to energy-saving and emission reduction. Firstly, the optimal of units operation were studied with only one variable. Based on heat balance, regarding the minimum of heat rate and standard-coal consumption per unit of time as objective functions, the study developed the optimization model of initial pressure under the conditions of pure steam and steam extraction for a certain load, simultaneously gaining the program of optimal initial pressure. According to the influence of the different combination of circular pumps on net power output of cold-end system, the study also established the optimization model of circular water pumps. And the correctness of the two models above was verified by calculating with a unit of C300-16.7/0.43/537/537 as an example. Moreover, the optimal initial pressure was obtained in different loads by the method exhaustive optimization, and it was account for how main steam pressure influences thermal efficiency, and the result show



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