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Increasing developments and applications have been paid to the natural polysaccharides because of the numerous bioactivities, such as anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect, its little toxic side-effects and extensive utilization of the resources. Among these, because of the great antioxidant activities, natural polysaccharides were widely used in food, cosmetics and health care products. Bergamot (Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus) was the dry fruit of citron of rutaceae plants (Citrus bergamot Citrus medico l. Var. Sarcodactylis Swingle), chemical components mainly contained volatile oil, coumarone, flavonoids, polysaccharides and so on, possessed versatile biological activities including anticancer, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, had high research value as a genuine Chinese medicine materials in Chongqing. Nowadays, the main research of bergamot mainly focus on the essential oil and flavonoids, the study of Bergamot polysaccharide mainly for crude polysaccharides and the measurement of antioxidant activity was in molecular level and the study of structure was in preliminary stage, with less sample productivity and lack of effective simulation environment of the cells in the body level of antioxidant analysis and structure-activity relationship study. Based on this, this article in full on the basis of summarizing the predecessors research, a series of Bergamot polysaccharide were purified, structure and antioxidant activity in cell level were determined and measured, the structure-activity relationship between oxidation activity and the preliminary structure. It provides foundational and valuable reference information for both the further investigation and efficient utilization of Bergamot resources. In this paper, the main research works and achievements included the following sections.
① Preparation and antioxidant activity of crude Bergamot polysaccharide
By the method of traditi
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